Applying for OpenWrt wiki account

If you want to contribute to OpenWrt by adding useful information to the wiki, you must apply for a wiki account using the instructions below or login with a github account.

OpenWrt Forum users

Please send a PM to wiki-account that contains:

  1. desired username
  2. real name (if not provided username will be used)
  3. email address

and an account will be created for you. To send a PM, follow the link above and click the Message button (see the graphic below).

Newcomers to the OpenWrt Forum (Trust Level 0)

New users cannot send PMs, so post here, and mention @wiki-account, stating that you want to get a wiki account and include the information above. Someone from the OpenWrt team will contact you and initiate the conversation.

Applying via IRC

You can also apply for an account via IRC. Use the OFTC web chat to connect to the #openwrt channel without the need to setup a dedicated IRC client.

Please send a private message (query) with:

  1. desired username
  2. real name (if not provided username will be used)
  3. email address

to PaulFertser who will take care of the account creation.

New to the wiki, don't know how to edit?

Creating new devicepages and dataentries


@wiki-account I want a wiki account.

thanks allof you

thanks a lot for all of you


pleas may I get a wiki account

Hello, I believe there's a problem with the CAPTCHA on the reset password page on the wiki. No image appears and the words from the .wav file do not work.



@wiki-account please help me out with a wiki account as well. I would like to improve the AX3000T tftpd64 reset informations

@wiki-account hey, the article about Cloudflare Tunnel is outdated, want to do some touchups :slight_smile:

Hi wiki admin team, I request for a wiki account for making contributions by translating wiki documents into Chinese. I have rich experience in translating and looking forward to join the community! Have a nice day!

Hi, I have a Nokia G240W-C, a ttl to usb converter and plenty of free time. I'd like to port OpenWRT to this ONT, and in order to officially document the information I found, as well as my development status, I'd like to have access to the wiki

Hello, I browse through the wiki quite often and sometimes I notice some spelling or grammar mistakes that I'd like to fix so I figured I'd ask for a wiki account.

Hi all, I'd love to contribute to the Wiki and update documentation as I'm always tinkering away with OpenWrt. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Login to the wiki using a github account was activated some months ago.

1 Like

@wiki-account Can I have a wiki account, please?

Edit: Sorry for the ping! Signed in with github and contributing now!