Hi. New here and recently flashed OpenWrt for the 1st time and really enjoyed much of it but currently hitting a wall with USB storage.
My goal is to attach this external HDD to my wrt1900acs so that I can access it as a network drive. This was doable with Linksys' default firmware and I had no problem previously (except IPv6 causing long loading time but this likely isn't relevant), and I'm sure the stock firmware was also using Samba.
I've got two problems at the moment.
The external HDD appears to mount but I couldn't see the files stored in the HDD when I ssh and navigate to the mounting point.
Samba seems to work as I can access the shared directory on my laptop (although it's empty), but for the life of me I couldn't access it on my desktop and get the below error prompt:
I've spent the whole weekend doing research and trying different options hoping to resolve these issues but to no avail. Along the way I've even learned ssh.
Hey Mate. Someone in the davidc502 build main post helpped with the command for manual mounting:
I can now access the files in the HDD through my laptop, but my desktop still couldn't get in; getting the same error message. Any troubleshooting suggestions? Thanks!
@eduperez suggested checking if the drive actually mounted and turned out it didn't
Then @onja in the davidc502 main post helpped with commands for manual mounting which worked like a charm:
So, the issue appears to be that ntfs isn't well supported by OpenWrt/Linux. Apparently there are some UUID related bugs but anyway in my case, the symptoms being mounting through Luci does nothing, automount didn't work, and execute "mount -a" via SSH also does nothing.
After almost pulling all my hair out I thought, heck I'll just try map the network drive anyway 'n maybe this could bypass the error. Then I got another error message which is much more helpful:
(Windows troubleshooting didn't reveal this info at all - goes to show how useless it is..)
Some quick googling revealed where the source of the problem is
Start form there I went into group policy editor and changed the specific policy from Not configured to "Enabled" and vuala~
@onja also showed how the policy can be configured in the registry (though I didn't try it myself):