I have a FiOS Quantum Gateway (G1100) router laying around, that I'm wanting to put OpenWRT/ LEDE on it. Has anyone been able to successfully do this, if so can I be steered to the bin file that would update the router?
As do I...but mostly because I don't trust the stock firmware being on my border router (port/protocol forwards have mysteriously closed on my G1100 before). So I have an OpenWrt device as my WAN.
There's another issue...do you use FiOS TV?
There's traffic that occurs on the MOCA bridge, and the G1100 uses newer coax frequencies (channels) there wren't available on older MOCA equipment. This means you might have to purchase a newer MOCA bridge if you need TV.
Are you willing to open it up and search for a 4-pin TTL serial port???
An SSH server can also be enabled on this device...but using serial, we can look at the bootloader from power on.
I'm not sure you understand...a config file for the old firmware won't work. You're trying to replace the firmware on the device with OpenWrt. Besides, I have a G1100.
First, it may be helpful to find (REQUEST) a copy of the stock firmware's source code, the router's homepage provides a link to the GPL 2.0 License, so I assume some portion of the firmware must be open source.
If you are uncomfortable with opening your device, this may not be an endeavor for you.