It looks someone has already documented this issue with the same router which I am using (RT-AX53U)
The fix was indeed lowering the MTU size to 1452 but on another post
It says its specific to OpenWRT build version 25.0.3 only, to be frank I want to avoid lowering down the MTU size and just leaving things as it is (default 1492)
When I do wget on my router I get timed out, same story when accessing it on my client devices so I am not sure if this so I am not sure if this issue was still present before 25.0.3.
But what's really odd is... I created a guest network using the OpenWRT guide and when accessing the same website on my guest network it loads up just fine? Can someone help me and pinpoint what is exactly causing this issue?
No idea, ICMP reaches videolan infrastructure with your MTU.
Next try would be capturing web session with tcpdump/wireshark and trying to understand what breaks.
Can you access named websites bypassing OpenWRT?
I can't seem to when using mobile data on my phone when accessing the VLC page.
EDIT: On my offshore VPS it works fine, before resetting my OpenWRT I had this issue as well but I was playing around with VLAN IDs, IPTV thinking that something broke so I decided to just full reset my OpenWRT back to stock but it looks like I'm still facing this issue.
My guest interface for some reason can connect to the VLC page, before resetting my OpenWRT I had Wireguard setup on my home router and when I was connected to it even that allowed me to view the VLC page normally without any of these problems... I've setup Wireguard with IPv6 access as well so I am not exactly sure what's causing these issues... perhaps Wireguard's MTU was set much lower than 1492?
I doubt the nftables fix aids my issue? but lowering MTU seems to fix it... any idea what's exactly causing this? However, lowering it too low to 1280 just disconnects my internet.
EDIT: This seems to be a deeply routed IPv6 problem, disabling IPv6 all together fixes my issue but why and how...? if I don't disable IPv6 but lower MTU that fixes as well
One other suggestion: is the issue restricted to a windows laptop? I had the same, all other devices ipv6 it worked correctly. My guess was incorrect handling of windows for icmpv6 or something. I disabled ipv6 at one point, somehow that got fixed by a windows (driver?) update I think.
Issue seems to be persistent with other devices as well, not a Windows only issue. I want to blame my ISP here but I'm not sure if it's really an issue on their end or mine...