I have an OpenWRT install handing out DHCP and running DNS. the router is forwarding DNS queries to a Rasberry Pi running PiHole. I'm trying to figure out how to DNAT all outbound DNS traffic to the rpi. played around in Luci but I think it needs to go into the custom firewall rules and I'm not having much success writing my own. has anyone done this before?
config redirect
option name 'Redirect LAN DNS'
option src 'lan'
option dest 'lan'
option src_ip ''
option src_dport '53'
option dest_ip ''
option dest_port '53'
Modify the source IP CIDR to match your DHCP range. However I'm not sure how to replicate this for IPv6 and would be glad if someone has a recipe for v6.
thanks for responding, and I think this is pretty close. I don't want to restrict the range to my DHCP scope as I have other devices on static outside the scope and would be best not to hard-wire the inclusion but the exclusion if possible. also, I think your rule would cause a loop as outbound traffic from the DNS server would be bounced back. something like the below but this doesn't seem to work right for me,it breaks all DNS.
config redirect
option name 'Redirect LAN DNS'
option src 'lan'
option dest 'lan'
option src_ip '!'
option src_dport '53'
option dest_ip ''
option dest_port '53'
thanks but this breaks my DNS too. perhaps because of the forwarding even tho I added my router's IP address into the 'punch hole' rule. I'd like to keep the forwarding in play and not use the PiHole directly because it fubar's local name resolution.
I'm not currently, that's the end game. right now it's just a simple DNS forward. from a workstation node I would like to be able to "nslookup google.com" and get the PiHole to reply instead of Google's servers but everything I've tried so far breaks DNS. current config is to block all outbound port 53 except the PiHole and that gets the job done but not dieal.
hmm, I guess I could have the router reply to DNS requests and forward them on, maybe that would work better.
redirecting to the router and letting it forward the request instead of trying to redirect directly to the PiHole seems to be working, I can do an nslookup to google's servers, get a reply, and find the hit in my PiHole log. .1 is the router, .2 is the PiHole.
wouldn't you need an exclusion for 20.1 to be able to talk out?
I've been futzing around with this for awhile, since the original posting I've added a second piHole for redundancy so decided to setup the router to forward DNS and redirect to it. my current solution relies on ipset which is an extra package...
# dns
ipset create dns hash:ip
ipset add dns 192.168.<DNS1>
ipset add dns 192.168.<DNS2>
iptables -t nat -A prerouting_lan_rule -m set ! --match-set dns src -p udp --match multiport --dports 53,853,5353 -j DNAT --to 192.168.<ROUTER>
iptables -t nat -A prerouting_lan_rule -m set ! --match-set dns src -p tcp --match multiport --dports 53,853,5353 -j DNAT --to 192.168.<ROUTER>