OpenWrt 23.05.0 - First stable release

After upgrade:

root@OpenWrt-1:~# ubus call hostapd.wlan0 rrm_nr_get_own
Command failed: Not found

And I now see that it is because all the names have changed, e.g. to wl0-ap0.

ipq40xx generic builds are here ! Thank you @hauke


Great. And now await a manual re-install due to DSA change. :slight_smile:

"My" ipq40xx device already runs on snapshot since january, and than RCs :innocent:
Changes are already done, and it only takes 2 min to reconfigure anyway.

Can sysupgrade be used to upgrade a device from 22.03 to 23.05 on a ipq40xx model, while retaining the settings? What is this DSA anyway?

DSA is the new switch manager. The syntax of the config files is different. It involves a manual reconfiguration of the device.
If you keep any previous config file you will most likely soft-brick your device. Meanwhile experimented users may know how to manually pick some old config files or adapt them.

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I would say that this is not the most helpful answer in general. I acknowledge the problem that attended sysupgrade does not really work between major releases. However, telling somebody to use a regular release and install packages afterward is not the correct solution if these packages (e.g. luci-proto-ncm and LTE modem drivers) are in fact required to connect to the Internet.

My own recommendation for this case (assuming that no incompatible configuration changes exist) would be:

  • Write down the list of leaf packages (i.e., not packages that are installed only because they are a dependency of something else) - yes, this needs to be done once and the result saved somewhere
  • Go to the firmware selector:
  • Search for your model
  • Customize the list of installed packages by adding the known leaf packages to the defaults that the firmware selector selected for you
  • Flash the resulting custom build (instead of the official one) using the regular sysupgrade


From my understanding the migration from swconfig OpenWrt release to DSA release is backup your configuration in swconfig and rebuild from scratch after dropping your configuration during sysupgrade.


I agree, there are special cases that cut off basic internet access on the standard sysupgrade process. These special cases need additional care for upgrading.

I still think general upgrade recommendations should be given that work well for standard use cases like internet access over Ethernet, WiFi, routing, firewall and DHCP or for simple WiFi access points.

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Hi, thanks for the new release.

I tried to upgrade an Asus GT-AC5300, via web ui and via sysupgrade, but the current firmware and all settings after reboot didnt upgraded.

thank you for the reply

so from my understanding, i just need to kinda screenshot my current settings. do a sysupgrade without retaining the settings and then configure 23.05 from scratch starting with "Bridging all LAN ports" for example.

please correct me if i am wrong, cause even soft bricking my device is still a pain to recover unfortunately.

Broadcom :upside_down_face:
See here: Asus ROG GT-AC5300 - #14 by jcizzo

You are right.
But better open the old config files with an editor than use a screenshot :wink: You can easily copy and paste data.
All LAN ports should already be bridged.


I'll emphasize from my personal experience that you really must look at every config file from the old swconfig-style system before installing it on a DSA system. It's not just /etc/config/network and other network service configurations (new options in /etc/config/dhcp for example). Because the hardware interface names change (probably the WAN interface from ethX to wan, and local networks especially when using VLANs), you'll need to update those various config files that refer to interface devices. Some examples I got hung up on: avahi daemon config (relaying Bonjour between interfaces); custom firewall rules (relaying certain broadcast packets between interfaces), LUCI statistics configurations.

so, afaics, ramips/mt7621 is not running with wireless? so I have to wait...

Bizarrely, I'm unable to complete a successful "opkg update" after flashing 23.05 to my Ubiquiti UniFi 6 Lite. It successfully downloads several package lists then consistently errors out on telephony. I've tried it half a dozen times.

My network is working fine and I can download the package file manually on the router using wget without issue. Plenty of free RAM and space in /tmp and I checked the faq so now I'm stumped. I never had this problem on earlier versions of OpenWRT.

opkg update fails to download the telephony package list, consistently

---<cut many successful downloads for brevity>---
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_routing
Signature check passed.
*** Failed to download the package list from

Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 4.
 * opkg_download: Check your network settings and connectivity.

manually downloading the file works just fine, consistently

root@ap-garage:/tmp# wget
Downloading ''
Connecting to
Writing to 'Packages.gz'
Packages.gz          100% |*******************************| 74963   0:00:00 ETA
Download completed (74963 bytes)

Attended Sysupgrade says:

No upgrade available
The device runs the latest firmware version 22.03.5 - r20134-5f15225c1e

My platform is rockchip/armv8

Do I just need to wait a bit and try again later? Sorry, this is my first upgrade since I started using OpenWRT.

EDIT: I needed to enable advanced mode.

I dont change from swconfig to DSA every day ... But Ive done it at least once before so I figured this be a breeze.

And yet i messed it up.

So to whoever needs to change from swconfig to DSA for OpenWRT 23.05.0... Don't do the same mistake I did.

What I did (this was wrong):

  • Download openwrt 23.05 factory image for my device
  • Log into device, go to firmware update page, upload factory image, uncheck "keep settings".
  • See warning about format, acknowledge, check "Force".

And then I flashed it.

I tried to do a sysupgrade with a factory-image... just because I didnt want to keep the settings. That's a very bad idea, and it soft-bricked my unit. (On the flip side I learned how to debrick it, which I haven't needed to do before).

The correct thing to do:

  • Download openwrt 23.05 sysupgrade image for my device
  • Log into device, go to firmware update page, upload sysupgrade image, uncheck "keep settings".
  • Flash sysupgrade-image with sysupgrade and be happy

Cheers. Hopefully that saves at least one guy some slight panic out there :slight_smile:


Hi and thanks.
Just updated from rc4 on ipq40xx (gl-inet b1300).
Some messages that seems to me relevant (not sure what they are):

Mon Oct  9 23:46:14 2023 authpriv.warn dropbear[1879]: Failed listening on '7777': Error listening: Address not available
Mon Oct  9 23:46:13 2023 daemon.notice netifd: radio1 (1454): WARNING: Variable 'data' does not exist or is not an array/object
Mon Oct  9 23:46:13 2023 daemon.notice netifd: radio0 (1453): WARNING: Variable 'data' does not exist or is not an array/object

Dropbear is configured on 7777 port, so from what i read i understand he thinks the port number is an address?


There doesn’t seem to be any tweak regarding the WHW01 U-Boot environment on device wiki or sysupgrade instructions, please elaborate.