Anyone can help?
My Netgear WAX202 (ramips-mt7621) didn't start with wireless after upgrade from v22.03.5 to v23.05.0 either...Radio0 & 1 were both as Device not active (restart or complete reboot didn't help) and both SSIDs were in state "Wireless is disabled"...well with no Device it couldn't have any other state probably. On top of that LED configuration (all LEDs were disabled with v22.03.5 and it worked perfectly) was preserved but green LEDs were still on even if configured as Always OFF. Had to downgrade back to v22.03.5.
Other Netgear R7800 (ipq806x-generic) started least wireless seems to be OK according to luci's a remote site so I will check tomorrow in person if LEDs and everything else is working same as with v22.03.5 but VPN came back after upgrade so this one looks ok.
Looks like nginx-mod-lucy
cannot be installed (at least on a Linksys WRT3200ACM):
root@router:~# opkg install nginx-ssl nginx-ssl-util luci-nginx nginx-mod-luci
Configuring luci-nginx.
Collected errors:
* pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency uwsgi for nginx-mod-luci
* pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency uwsgi-luci-support for nginx-mod-luci
* pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for nginx-mod-luci found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
Is this a known issue? Something temporary?
Just out of curiosity, were there any changes between the 23.05 RC4 and 23.05.0 builds? It seems like a very short time between the two releases.
I already have those RC version installed on my AVM Fritz!Repeater 1200 and AVM Fritz!Repeater 3000 but now the final release is missing for those devices. I cannot find any hint why those devices are missing.
The build hasn’t started yet. Still queued. It’s build #53459 in that view.
Then you didn't look very hard, because the reason they are missing has been referenced multiple times in this thread.
ipq40xx/generic builds failed and had to be manually triggered again. They are not ready yet.
Installed on totolink and everything is working great!
I've been checking the upgrade from 22.03.5 to 23.05 (whilst keeping config and packages) again on my r7800.
With Luci-attended-sysupgrade (advanced mode) I was hoping to see which packages should be replaced/deleted with the upgrade. However I did not see that.
However, with auc -b 23.05 -B 23.05.0 -c -r I got the output below. Do I understand correctly that if I acknowledge replacing these 3 packages that the upgrade to 23.05.0 should work?
Package libustream-wolfssl should be replaced by libustream-mbedtls
Package wpad-basic-wolfssl should be replaced by wpad-basic-mbedtls
Package px5g-wolfssl should be replaced by px5g-mbedtls
Thanks in advance for your guidance!
root@Woonkamer:~# auc -b 23.05 -B 23.05.0 -c -r
Running: 22.03.5 r20134-5f15225c1e on ipq806x/generic (netgear,r7800)
Available: 23.05.0 r23497-6637af95aa
Requesting package lists...
luci-proto-wireguard: git-23.093.40597-18a1842 -> git-23.073.81399-59a6f06
libuci-lua: 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6 -> 2023-08-10-5781664d-1
iwinfo: 2022-12-15-8d158096-1 -> 2023-07-01-ca79f641-1
openssh-sftp-server: 8.9p1-1 -> 9.5p1-1
luci-lib-base: git-20.232.39649-1f6dc29 -> git-22.308.54612-9118452
kmod-crypto-gf128: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
opkg: 2022-02-24-d038e5b6-1 -> 2022-02-24-d038e5b6-2
kmod-usb-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-app-opkg: git-23.093.42303-e16f620 -> git-23.009.82915-ec3aac4
ubus: 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1 -> 2023-06-05-f787c97b-1
iw: 5.16-1 -> 5.19-1
kmod-crypto-manager: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libuci: 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6 -> 2023-08-10-5781664d-1
rpcd: 2022-12-15-7de4820c-1 -> 2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1
busybox: 1.35.0-5 -> 1.36.1-1
kmod-crypto-ctr: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libwolfssl: 5.5.4-stable-1 -> 5.6.3-stable-1
kmod-nft-fib: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-nfnetlink: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-ata-ahci-platform: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libubus-lua: 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1 -> 2023-06-05-f787c97b-1
kmod-crypto-hash: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-nf-reject6: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-aead: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libiwinfo-lua: 2022-12-15-8d158096-1 -> 2023-07-01-ca79f641-1
kmod-usb-dwc3: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-mod-system: git-23.118.78821-0c02883 -> git-23.118.78765-58f7b27
kmod-nf-flow: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libnl-tiny: 2021-11-21-8e0555fb-1 -> 2023-07-27-bc92a280-1
Package libustream-wolfssl should be replaced by libustream-mbedtls.
Apply change [N/y] y
libustream-wolfssl: 2022-12-08-9217ab46-2 -> libustream-mbedtls: 2023-02-25-498f6e26-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
getrandom: 2021-08-03-205defb5-2 -> 2022-08-13-4c7b720b-2
libiptext: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
ucode-mod-ubus: 2022-12-02-46d93c9c-1 -> 2023-06-06-c7d84aae-1
luci-theme-bootstrap: git-23.093.42704-b47268a -> git-23.085.34270-d94a728
kmod-pppoe: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-pppox: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-app-wireguard: git-23.018.72712-6d712c3 -> git-23.073.81399-59a6f06
Package wpad-basic-wolfssl should be replaced by wpad-basic-mbedtls.
Apply change [N/y] y
wpad-basic-wolfssl: 2022-01-16-cff80b4f-16.2 -> wpad-basic-mbedtls: 2023-09-08-e5ccbfc6-4
kmod-nf-reject: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
procd-ujail: 2022-06-01-7a009685-2 -> 2023-06-25-2db83655-2
base-files: 1502-r20134-5f15225c1e -> 1545-r23497-6637af95aa
kmod-nf-nat: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-crc32c: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
ucode-mod-uci: 2022-12-02-46d93c9c-1 -> 2023-06-06-c7d84aae-1
kmod-ramoops: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
netifd: 2022-08-25-76d2d41b-1 -> 2023-09-19-7a58b995-1
kmod-usb-dwc3-qcom: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libubus: 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1 -> 2023-06-05-f787c97b-1
firewall4: 2022-10-18-7ae5e14b-1 -> 2023-03-23-04a06bd7-1
uboot-envtools: 2022.01-38 -> 2023.04-1
kmod-usb-ohci: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
dnsmasq: 2.86-16 -> 2.89-4
kmod-usb-xhci-hcd: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-mii: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
procd: 2022-06-01-7a009685-2 -> 2023-06-25-2db83655-2
kmod-crypto-hmac: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-sha256: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
ubusd: 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1 -> 2023-06-05-f787c97b-1
Package px5g-wolfssl should be replaced by px5g-mbedtls.
Apply change [N/y] y
px5g-wolfssl: 6.2 -> px5g-mbedtls: 9
kmod-lib-crc32c: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-usb-ehci: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-mod-status: git-23.093.42411-713f701 -> git-23.236.53405-9b3c7d3
kmod-reed-solomon: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libxtables: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
kmod-usb-net-rndis: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libjson-script: 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1 -> 2023-05-23-75a3b870-1
kmod-crypto-seqiv: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-nft-nat: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-lib-chacha20poly1305: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-usb2: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-usb3: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-lib-poly1305: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-app-firewall: git-23.093.42704-1c01c64 -> git-23.208.40260-9504081
kmod-nf-ipt: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
jansson: 2.13.1-2 -> 2.14-3
ubi-utils: 2.1.4-1 -> 2.1.5-1
odhcp6c: 2022-08-05-7d21e8d8-18 -> 2023-05-12-bcd28363-20
fstools: 2022-06-02-93369be0-2 -> 2023-02-28-bfe882d5-1
kmod-udptunnel4: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-udptunnel6: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-ghash: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
iptables-mod-ipopt: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
uci: 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6 -> 2023-08-10-5781664d-1
ucode-mod-fs: 2022-12-02-46d93c9c-1 -> 2023-06-06-c7d84aae-1
luci-ssl: git-20.244.36115-e10f954 -> git-23.035.26083-7550ad6
libip4tc: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
dropbear: 2022.82-2 -> 2022.82-5
kmod-crypto-kpp: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-hwmon-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libnftnl: 1.2.1-2 -> 1.2.6-1
rpcd-mod-file: 2022-12-15-7de4820c-1 -> 2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1
odhcpd-ipv6only: 2023-01-02-4a673e1c-2 -> 2023-06-24-52112643-1
procd-seccomp: 2022-06-01-7a009685-2 -> 2023-06-25-2db83655-2
kmod-pstore: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libiwinfo-data: 2022-12-15-8d158096-1 -> 2023-07-01-ca79f641-1
rpcd-mod-luci: 20210614 -> 20230123-1
ucode: 2022-12-02-46d93c9c-1 -> 2023-06-06-c7d84aae-1
kmod-crypto-ccm: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-app-sqm: git-23.063.28820-8c4562d -> git-22.360.73151-127c900
kmod-nf-log: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
ppp: 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-3 -> 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-4
luci-base: git-23.119.80898-65ef406 -> git-23.236.53405-fc638c8
kmod-leds-gpio: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-gpio-button-hotplug: 5.10.176-3 -> 5.15.134-3
logd: 2021-08-03-205defb5-2 -> 2022-08-13-4c7b720b-2
kmod-ata-ahci: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-nf-log6: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
xtables-legacy: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
kmod-usb-net: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-wireguard: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-mac80211: 5.10.176+5.15.92-1-1 -> 5.15.134+6.1.24-3
wireguard-tools: 1.0.20210424-3 -> 1.0.20210914-2
libopenssl: 1.1.1t-3 -> 3.0.11-1
libblobmsg-json: 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1 -> 2023-05-23-75a3b870-1
libip6tc: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
openwrt-keyring: 2022-03-25-62471e69-3 -> 2022-03-25-62471e69-2
luci-app-attendedsysupgrade: git-23.093.42303-58b861d -> git-23.132.65998-fa9fb2f
sqm-scripts: 1.5.2-1 -> 1.6.0-1
libiptext6: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
jshn: 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1 -> 2023-05-23-75a3b870-1
nftables-json: 1.0.2-2.1 -> 1.0.8-1
kmod-ipt-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-ata-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
attendedsysupgrade-common: 7 -> 8
kmod-nft-offload: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-ppp: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-null: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libiwinfo: 2022-12-15-8d158096-1 -> 2023-07-01-ca79f641-1
libjson-c: 0.15-2 -> 0.16-3
auc: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-1
uhttpd: 2022-10-31-23977554-1 -> 2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1
kmod-nf-conntrack: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
ath10k-board-qca9984: 20220411-1 -> 20230804-1
tc-tiny: 5.15.0-4 -> 6.3.0-1
zlib: 1.2.11-6 -> 1.2.13-1
kmod-crypto-gcm: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-ath10k-ct: 5.10.176+2022-05-13-f808496f-1 -> 5.15.134+2022-05-13-f808496f-5
luci-lib-nixio: git-20.234.06894-c4a4e43 -> git-22.222.71555-88b9088
libubox: 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1 -> 2023-05-23-75a3b870-1
rpcd-mod-rpcsys: 2022-12-15-7de4820c-1 -> 2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1
ca-bundle: 20211016-1 -> 20230311-1
kmod-crypto-cmac: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci-lib-jsonc: git-22.097.61921-7513345 -> git-22.079.54693-45f411b
kmod-ipt-ipopt: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-rng: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
luci: git-23.093.42303-d58cd69 -> git-23.051.66410-a505bb1
kmod-nf-conntrack6: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libgcc: 11.2.0-4 -> 12.3.0-4
kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
libucode: 2022-12-02-46d93c9c-1 -> 2023-06-06-c7d84aae-1
kmod-ath: 5.10.176+5.15.92-1-1 -> 5.15.134+6.1.24-3
kmod-crypto-lib-curve25519: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
ubox: 2021-08-03-205defb5-2 -> 2022-08-13-4c7b720b-2
kmod-sched-cake: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-crypto-lib-chacha20: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
rpcd-mod-iwinfo: 2022-12-15-7de4820c-1 -> 2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1
luci-mod-network: git-23.118.74641-4b1cbff -> git-23.283.21598-257f54c
kmod-nft-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-ifb: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-nls-base: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
uhttpd-mod-ubus: 2022-10-31-23977554-1 -> 2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1
hostapd-common: 2022-01-16-cff80b4f-16.2 -> 2023-09-08-e5ccbfc6-4
kmod-phy-qcom-ipq806x-usb: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
wireless-regdb: 2023.02.13-1 -> 2023.09.01-1
kmod-scsi-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
urngd: 2020-01-21-c7f7b6b6-1 -> 2023-07-25-7aefb47b-1
kmod-slhc: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
kmod-cfg80211: 5.10.176+5.15.92-1-1 -> 5.15.134+6.1.24-3
ppp-mod-pppoe: 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-3 -> 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-4
kmod-sched-core: 5.10.176-1 -> 5.15.134-1
iptables-zz-legacy: 1.8.7-7 -> 1.8.8-1
Just do standard sysupgrade for major version upgrades.
Upgrading to 23.05.0
Sysupgrade can be used to upgrade a device from 22.03 to 23.05, and configuration will be preserved in most cases.
Sysupgrade from 21.02 to 23.05 is not officially supported.
- ipq40xx EA6350v3, EA8300, MR8300 and WHW01 require tweak to the U-Boot environment on update from 22.03 to 23.05. Refer to the Device wiki or the instruction on sysupgrade on how to do this change. Config needs to be reset on sysupgrade.
I can and I would keep my config, but not my installed packages to my knowledge, hence the auc or luci-attended-sysupgrade method would be useful.
Yes. It’s two commands to reinstall your packages after sysupgrade:
opkg update
opkg install <package1> <package2> <package(n)>
You could note your packages and get the package reinstall done in under one minute. No big deal.
If the optional attended sysupgrade works: great. If not: just do standard sysupgrade as documented.
OK, is there an easy way to see which packages one installed additionally to the base install? I know I installed luci-attended-sysupgrade but I do recall a few other packages, but not sure anymore which ones....
opkg list-installed
Or you could go through the list in Luci: System - Software - installed.
For usual router cases with some additional packages I bet you will know quickly from the list which packages you added to your basic installation.
For me it also helps to have a short document how to reinstall or duplicate my configuration from scratch on a new OpenWrt device with a few commands.
Upgraded all three R7800 APs to 23.05, working fine so far. Used firmware selector to build an image without the ct firmware and drivers.
One of my APs has wonky 5GHz but I suspect that's a hardware issue. The other two are working flawlessly.
I don't know if it fits your definition of easy but take a look at this post/thread for a script I wrote. Detecting user installed pkgs - #8 by spence
It just uses what I think are the basic installed utilities but can take several seconds to over a minute on low powered processors.
It works fast and correctly on my NanoPi R4S.
EDIT: A bit slower on my tp-link EAP225 and Netgear GS308T devices.
Be sure to sanity check it against a manual package listing before trusting the output.
Also have a copy of the list of packages saved to your PC (off the OpenWrt device) along with config backups etc before upgrading which is good advice for any device all the time.
I hope it helps!
I have 2 x R7800 + Linksys EA8500 + Linksys EA8300 + Linksys MR8300 all of them have set 'IT' on all radios, however 'iw reg get' always shows global = 'IT' and individual radios set to the router default, which is 'US' for Netgear R7800 and Linksys EA8500 and 'GB' for Linksys EA8300 and MR8300. This must be a defect.
Please see this thread: WiFi country issue (OpenWRT 23.05)
Could you please confirm whether all your devices have Qualcomm radios? I don't have this problem on my Linksys E8450:
root@OpenWrt:~# iw reg get
country PH: DFS-FCC
(2400 - 2483 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)
(5150 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), AUTO-BW
(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW
(5470 - 5725 @ 160), (N/A, 24), (0 ms), DFS
(5725 - 5850 @ 80), (N/A, 24), (N/A)
(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (N/A, 24), (N/A)
<no entries for the individual radios>
Weird, I am quite sure that I checked the initial posting and also used the search. Maybe a typo... Thanks for clarification.