[NETGEAR | R7800] (ipq806x) Helpful Forum Threads and Posts


  1. Official openWrt WIKI page: contains general info about the router, details and picture about the hardware. The wiki page contains or is based on some of the following links. Special thanks to people who made it.
  2. r7800 exploration a really great exploration job on the ruoter, with a lot of useful infos, pictures etc. You should read at least the first posts, if you are a r7800 owner!
  3. Compare r7800 with Linksys 1900ACS: wait a minute, not sure about what to buy and why? Well... strange: r7800 it's the best (joking this is r7800 thread!). So, look at the linked one or other thread, such this or this one that compare r7800 with linksys wrt 3200acm or Linksys WRT AC Series vs. Netgear R7800 vs. ZyXEL NBG6817.
  4. brief and easiest way I found to install openWrt: short and clearest post I found, for me. The wiki page describe the same steps but in the Debricks section.
  5. going back to stock firmware. Maybe you may need this, there is already a topic rich of details and considerations. Original netgear firmware can be found here.


  1. hnyman custom firmware: the official thread about the custom and widely used release made by hnyman, since 2016. It contains lot of tweaks for the router and updated packages and more. Full details are in the first and always updated post. I actually reach 600 Mbps on a gigabit line.
  2. kong custom firmware: this firmware is known to be good for high speed line. You you can find his/her firmwares directly here. Note 2: kong is also well known for a dd-wrt custom firmware version, actually unmantained.
  3. ACwifidude custom firmware: this firmware is for high speed line (>200 Mbps). This is the link to a big thread about the using of a driver that allow to unlock some hardware features (NSS cores) and increase overall performance. Jump to this post of user darksky for more details, or evaluate to use master nss factory.img "findable" here and made by user ACwifidude. Another great summary can be found in this post written by ACwifidude himself. I can reach 950 Mbps on my gigabit line, with this firmware.


  1. Blk_update_request: I/O errors? Do you have this errors in the system logs? It could be normal, as described in the wiki too
  2. How does VLAN config work


  1. voxel firmware: based on standard netgear, this one updates packages and features. Use it if you are scared about openWrt or for a soft approach to custom firmware... I did so. The link refers to the current version, browse this site for last news;
  2. kamoj plugin: a plugin that has to be used with voxel firmware. It adds lot of features. Amazing work!