Since that's a generic patch for all chips, couldn't you just remove it? It doesn't benefit us at all as it just makes all connected devices use the much worse 2.4 GHz radio for 10 minutes. And maybe it also screws with zero wait DFS?
It's important to remember that some of these patches have existed for years, but there are likely good reasons why Felix hasn't merged them.
This specific patch hasn't been updated in over 2 years, and Felix hasn't merged it in all that time. So it's probably safe to assume that he avoided it because there's literally no benefit to it. It just makes you wait much longer for your 5 GHz radio to be up and running.
Yeah, there's been minor adjustments to it. But what I'm saying is that the patch has existed since Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:06:30 +0800 and it seems as though Felix has avoided merging all versions of it because there's no benefits to it. Like, who wants to wait 10 minutes for their WiFi to start working when the standard OpenWrt version will be up and running within 60 seconds?
Sure, but with your "optimized" firmware the 5 GHz radio is now 10 times slower at boot when compared to a stock OpenWrt snapshot. So that doesn't benefit anyone that uses DFS channels.
With this firmware installed use a DFS channel (e.g. 120) and then reboot your router. It'll now take 10 minutes for the 5 GHz radio to be up and running, since that's what the patch changes.
I suggest you read through what's already been said, since I didn't say anything about the WiFi speed. And I'm not criticizing the firmware either. I just figured I'd mention that a certain patch has no benefits to people like you or me, so if @pesa1234 were to remove it then the 5 GHz radio would start as quickly as it does with a stock OpenWrt snapshot.
@pesa1234 Sure, I'd give it a quick test if you build it