I am not getting some text but not the right one I am looking for.
Metal case USB2.0 to TTL UART 5PIN Module Serial Converter CP2102 STC PRGMR
Please give me some steps, I looked previous post 115200 and all the setting but no luck at all. I am surprised that not one talks about the uart cable at all. I tried on ms220-8p no output at all.
I have the same issue: I have a PL2303 serial-to-USB functional adapter (tested with other equipment with serial console) and regardless of the terminal software I use (screen, minicom, miniterm running on Ubuntu Linux) what I get is just strange characters:
I have tested {115200, 8N1} configuration and all the other lower serial speeds down to 9600, with the same result (for some speeds I did not get any characters on the console). I have tested with software flow control off (default) and on, without any change.
I am running out of ideas, so any comment will help.
I do not have any pins (RTS/CTS) connected for flow control; only Tx/Rx/GND are connected. Just for the sake of completion I did this test and nothing happened, just the terminal software hanged up with errors showing on dmesg:
One comment about the hardware connection: connecting the Tx/Rx pins to the MX60 board works only in what it seems to be the "wrong" config: DB9/pin2(Rx) -- to --MX60/pin2(Rx) and DB9/pin3(Tx) -- to --MX60/pin3(Tx). The cross connection (theoretically correct) does not produce any result on the console.
OK, I have tested with a different pl2303 Serial-2-USB adapter, again, verified as being functional with another device with serial console. The result was almost the same: just strange characters, but without the pl2303_get_line_request error in the logs (easy visible via dmesg). I have tested with multiple terminal software applications:
minicom (minicom -o -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200) both with hardware flow-control enabled in configuration (no output at all in the console) and without hardware flow-control (gibberish text).
screen (screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200) with the same garbage result on the console
miniterm, Python based terminal, (miniterm /dev/ttyUSB0 115200), again with strange characters displayed.
i will get the log from what I got yesterday and paste it here in the evening. I think there is like a keystroke that needs to do the break CRTL+[ for example to get into the mode. After those ffffff 2 fffffff, it just stopped.