Recently I decided to use a usb wifi adapter to add another radio device to my router. And the one I have is a Ralink RT5370. So the first thing I need to do is to figure out how to install the driver for the new hardware. After a quick google, I found out that
opkg update
opkg install kmod-rt2800-lib kmod-rt2800-usb kmod-rt2x00-lib kmod-rt2x00-usb
are the commands that I should probably go for. Though the same commands are popping up everywhere on the internet, all of them are from someone's blog post or forum post. So I felt like it's pretty random, and wondered if there are any systematical way to tell me which driver I should install. I tried to search on the both the ralink and openwrt website, but got no luck.
So are there really some "conventional way" to decide which driver I should use for a new hardware? (aka what keyword should I add to after opkg install
?) I really feel like trying to get this kind of information from someone's blog post seems weird, how did they get the information at the first place?