Help with my first installation of OpenWrt mi 4a

Did you use the v2 build? I think the consensus was that you have a R4A Gigabit V2.

do you have a serial connection to check the boot log print out, if no, try to do it.

according the device Production Date, and the Factory Firmware v3.10.18, it should be V1.


in that case what i should have done.

okey it is now broken so i need to fix that else i will get a refund for this device as it is now broken
what is a serial connection i cant open this router else i will be out of luck for getting refund

can you elaborate i will do it tomorrow so i need little more info how to do it like what is pxe and how i need to connect my router with pc.
with Ethernet bit on router which port i need to connect wan or lan and what are the commends as i am on linux (silverblue) i can run a windows as vm if required or i need to do go to a friends place for that.
and download which firmware from where i think erasing and writing was done so i need to do next as if i give power to the router only yellow light blinks and a periodic blue light flash. @ulmwind please help

Google 'PXE server linux', sorry, I used TinyPXE in Windows.

Download it:

Set IP, run TinyPXE, press 'Online', connect router by LAN, press Reset, connect power to router, wait 20 seconds, release Reset. See log of TinyPXE, make sure, router gets IP by DHCP.

Why i need to set ip

Can you tell me...

Will this method work?

i just followed that guide but failed to fix that i have done all and led changed the colour but did not unbricked same as before a blicking orange led.

i fixed it with

sudo wget -O /var/lib/dnsmasq/test.bin

this rom and on linux using tftp but the issue is all in chinese so i need to flash openwrt for sure so can you guys help i am on 2.28.62 now and want help to flash openwrt which one should i go with

this v2.28.62 is V1 factory fw, please confirm all ok on it first.

Failed again using v1 this time i use v1 stable and before that i use v2 snapshot25-02-23
now just v1 snapshot is left

btw if go with kernel only and after that install luci so will this one work.
@frollic @ulmwind @mk24 @RadioOperator anyone

what is your "Failed again"?

You could back to v2.28.62, and confirm the WiFi/Lan work ok. Then try my build:

How can i download the firmware can you lookinto
I am using curl http://url.bin --output openwrt.bin
But i could not check the hash so i will i can't check if that was good can you tell me how can i download that file better way

I keep my router in repeater mode and then doing everything as you can see ip changed to

rename the firmware to a short name, after you got the root access on OpenWRTInvasion, using SSH or FTP transfer the bin code into /tmp folder.

Yes now how can i put that file to the router /tmp

I am using telnet to access router and i thing i could bot download the firmware correctly
I asked gpt but dont know about this
To copy a file from your local machine to a remote server using Telnet, you need to first log in to the server using Telnet. Once you have logged in, you can use the put command to transfer the file. The syntax for the command is as follows:

put <local_file_path> <remote_file_path>

So, to copy the file from your /home directory to the /tmp directory on the remote server, you would use the following command:

put /home/<filename> /tmp

This is now the error of not able to download firmware correctly... How to push that to my router correctly
I have telnet accesss to my router my router does not have internet access.
And i have internet access with my wifi from second router.
So i have to download that file and push it to the server.

I forgot the details how to do the upload by CLI.

maybe using SCP command, likes:

123@abc:~/Downloads$ scp openwrt.bin root@XiaoQiang:/tmp
123@abc:~/Downloads$ scp openwrt.bin root@

the openwrt.bin file in folder Downloads