Help me figure out why I have gaming latency

Try reducing graphics quality or other CPU/gpu reductions perhaps it's a heating issue

As a gamer, "far fetched" is the least mean description that comes to mind when thinking about claims I read about in gaming forums over the years...
Usually it just never happens that people knowledgeable in networking tech stop by and try to help figure out some mundane gaming problems.
Hence my interest in this thread.
(Though to be fair I've not come across any hobbyist forum yet where there weren't at least a few far fetched that where persistently repeated.)

it may be interesting to note, for example, that if with each new purchase of a PS4, ps5 console, the cpu/gpu heats up .. what would be the causes?

I think that's simple, the game programmers push as hard as possible on whatever hardware they have access to. They're always wanting more eye candy, more features, higher frame rates, etc.

ok it's understandable, I was thinking of a form of external attack (a form of cheating to saturate the network) or worse a self-attack

Often the best game play comes from playing games from 3-4 years ago on todays hardware. They don't stress the hardware but still reasonable quality (esp PC games). Similarly, you can get better game play by reducing graphics quality on the modern games, so they run a little easier on the hardware you have. So maybe try to find graphics quality menu and put it to "medium" or set frame rate, try "no limit" or "lock to 60fps" try turning off anti-aliasing, or various adjustments to things.

this suggests going to PS5 menu -> settings -> saved data and game/app settings -> game presets -> performance mode or resolution mode: choose "performance mode"

yes I naturally activated the Performance for Best fps mode, and I also tested 720p, 1080 p 2160p .. depending on the frequency chosen I see very badly because the image is torn

I would like to configure for test, a proxy on the OpenWrt router in order to use this proxy with the ps5..

the ps5 allows me to configure a proxy server by simply adding an IP address and a port number..

I doubt this will do much, game traffic won't go through the proxy, only downloads of games and maybe matchmaking... But the instructions are here

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ok thank you, I was thinking that maybe the communication would be better if my pc creates the connection with the servers..

difficult to go below 280 ms

Try plugging your PS5 gaming monitor to your PC and see how your reaction changes if it goes way up you will know its a problem with the monitor

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I would like to clarify a point .. on the network there is only router, PC, game console .. is cake necessary? no ? because there is no priority to shape? correct ? then the magic question is: if we put cake and prioritize the game on a network that is not necessary then why is there an improvement? does this mean that there is still somewhere on the network a form of saturation? does this all look right to you??

If there is no congestion, no AQM is necessary. Two things come to mind though:
a) At any moment in time your DSL link is either 100% busy or idling at 0%, so whether a link is congested or not depends on the amount of time you are looking at.
b) cake/fq_codel combine an AQM with a traffic scheduler that will make sure packets from all queued flows are well inter-mixed, that might not be ideal for gaming packets in that they are not necessarily treated with highest priority, but it will avoid the situation that too many other packets from other flows get in front of your gaming packets....

ok thanks.. it would be a good idea to do a sqm fqcodel? just for testing?

We have never seen any indication of network latency issues that can be improved from sqm beyond where they are now. The game has latency yes but the packets do not

That is how SQM started (cake in a sense was developed with the experience gained with SQM in the field in mind), select simple.qos or simplest.qos as scriot and fq_codel as qdisc and you are set. But don't expect any noticeable difference versus cake for your use-case. Neither will fix the unfortunate issue that EA seems hell-bent to inflict a half-finished game on its PS5 users...

I understand, however it annoys me that some players do plug n play and can play without any problems .. and some are forced to use sqm etc ..

my wife told me this afternoon that the internet is slow and that IPTV generates sound cuts and a sporadic black image..

difficult to determine if the network problem is local or external

I wanted to share this with you, I found it's a qos cake extracted on an Asus Gaming router.. it's in bin form.

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Yeah, that is especially puzzling as your game fifa22 does not seem to support cross-play, so with your PS5 you will always play against other PS5s, so nominally things should be pretty equal.

I would typically look at;
a) the DSLmodems error counters (which I log with collectd so it is easy to look at the last hour)
b) my local ping monitor services (collectd/statistics ping module against,,, traces
c) my remote thinkbroadband quality monitor trace

While not definitive these often allow to refine the hypothesis where congestion/issues happen.