Help me figure out why I have gaming latency

yes i don't deny that this game is not perfect level netcode.. but not everyone has a gaming router to improve the game... just like not everyone is facing this latency.. it affects some of the gamers. 'other no.. but we don't know what differentiates those who have problems and those who don't.. the latest fifa 22 update had a very strange effect, I have 2 friends, one friend has no latency and my 2nd friend has latency...since the update.. the one that had no latency now has it, and the one that had latency now in doesn't have any more...

my friend who had latency and who no longer has latency now is afraid to turn off the ps5 console and the latency will come back.. so it stays on 24 hours a day now..

I think this only works with nvidia graphics cards on PC. But what I mean is are there settings in the game that control rendering options?

the ps5 console has options that may or may not be activated depending on the screen that is connected..

Thé monitor you can adjust the frequency from 60 to 144hz.. choose fps, RGB…
My monitor SAMSUNG C32HG70

Referring to it as lingo is kind of funny and accurate at the same time.
Gamers most often mean the delay between button pressed and action showing up on the screen by "input lag".
The more accurate term would be system latency (=> input device latency + processing + rendering + display latency).

Thank you, I was just about to ask.
That rules out a TVs cinema mode with motion smoothing/interpolation...
Here it says that it's AMD Freesync which might make it compatible with the PS5s variable refresh rate option but I did not have time to look into it further. (Gsync would not have been compatible because it's proprietary to Nvidia PC graphics cards.

I think it's maybe just that when you press the button to pass that doesn't mean pass immediately it means queue a pass for when it is next possible. So that gives an apparent delay between button press and action.

Or can this be easily ruled out?

Things I’ve noticed:

I don’t know if this is accurate but 72 ms ping is pretty high (except if this includes processing) for a game where probably the majority of the playerbase is in Europe and you are living in the middle of it.
I live in Austria (so not that far away) and therefore I guess we should have similar pings to the dedicated servers in Europe. So, this leads me to the question if you are playing p2p and not on dedicated servers.

If you play p2p and you are not Host this could explain your bad experience and why the other players are ahead of you.
Are you using a Netduma router with geo filter or maybe a vpn?

And @dlakelan I think the delay between pressing a button and the action ingame is not that far off:

If you look at 52 sec in the fifalag video you can hear him press the button and the action is almost immediately executed. There is a slight delay in his player passing because the passing player first has to turn left.
In sec 55 it looks like there is a long delay between pressing the button and the pass, but actually if you look at his controllers in the top right he is doing a flick move first so his player model has to execute the flick move first and afterwards the pass.

I’m no game developer but if you have a game where you can have multiple button press combinations I guess you would naturally need a slight delay in the execution because otherwise it would not be possible to make combos..

yes you can press 3 times on the same button it will memorize the 3… so for example 3 consecutive passes.. a key combination can cancel this memory (shot, pass, dribble)

according to the captures all the games are on the server (EC2, amazonaws) Madrid and the Netherlands are ID3, to remove the cheaters they have removed the p2p.. (switch lag)

I voluntarily connected to the USA server on a trial basis with a Ping of around 130 ms, I have exactly the same game as playing in Europe with 20 ms.. whether I play 120 ms or 20 ms it's exactly the same playing latency
in my opinion its 20 ms does not correspond to anything concrete .. it may be a Ping tcp or ICMP but not udp, because it does not reflect reality

Credit to you @segal_72 for producing the videos. I think more of these may be key to having people here understand the issue.

I am pretty confident that the issue is not related to the transport protocol used....but if you believe that you should be able to test/confirm that hypothesis with using mtr -u ... for UDP probes, mtr -T ...~ for TCP probes and mtr without eithrt -uor-T` for ICMP probes (the prediction would be that ICMP/TCP mtrs look qualitatively different from UDP mtrs).
To me it seems pretty clear the issue is within the game on the PS5, either locally, on the server side, of most likely in the interactions between the two sides

Have you tried the somewhat illogical remedies offered in the EA forums already:
a) changing the PS5's DNS servers either to or I have no good theory why this should help, but it seems easy enough to test; and if it helps, I am sure we will work out why :wink:
b) setting the games to different refresh rates including the lowest possible (might not work on a PS5)
c) try setting the graphics options to the simplest possible to give the GPU less to work (might reduce heat accumulation).

Again these are not well-described interventions with a good theory behind them, but all should be fast to check and invalidate.

Yes and no, it is still subtle as the game still does a decent job of auto-controlling all agents (let's call the humans controlling each team "players" and the individual 3d models in the game agents). It appears as if the commands to change the autonomous behaviour suffer from a noticeable delay... Which reminds me to ask, in the controller setting is there a way to configure the duration allowed for combo movements? Maybe you can reduce that a bit... (sidenote, with all the buttons on a modern controller, I would have expected each action to have its own dedicated button, which just shows how remote I am from modern gaming, I guess)

That one is a decades old myth among gamers that stubbornly refuses to die.
People think that when they change their DNS to one with a lower ping that they will have lower latency in-game not realizing that the DNS is not the server that hosts the game.

I'm sorry, I never played any Fifa so I wouldn't know.
I'm more of a PC shooter player where button presses need to have immediate actions and latency is very obvious. (The most contentious topic there being if you take damage while on your client you already are behind cover but the server simulation is behind and rules you were still out in the open when the other player shot at you. Competitive people get really outraged when that happens.)

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Without wanting to be mean, I see that a number of theories voiced in gaming fora seem far-fetched....

But as I said, if it works we will find a better theory... :wink: point is theoretically an ISP/game company combination might play weird DNS games, where using an unrelated DNS-server might work out better, but I would assume that a game will use DNS only at start-up and the consequence of sup-optimal anycasting would be paths longer than necessary (or more congestion prone), but these should show up in mtrs or packet captures...

I tested SD, HD, UHD…,,…… Nothing change

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I voluntarily do its illogical test just to see if it has an impact…typically put an MTU on the console of 1473…. surely a coincidence but it was a little better for 1 hour of time, I also tested 576 but not possible to connect to the server … then I tested on the OpenWrt router in wan 1350 interface and it was strangely better … but once again with each improvement it never lasts long … as if some things were constantly correcting .. it is a big observation in my observations .. with each new configuration I have better but it never lasts… this is all very strange...

As I indicated there was little hope for these to achieve anything, but cheap enough to try nevertheless.

OK, but that might be a way of getting video in good an bad condition, keep playing with the default MTU/MSS (expected bad) record 5 minutes then switch to something noticeable smaller (1350 again?) and record another 5 minutes. Even better if you can record a match in witch the behavior switches fro good to bad.
Question: do these transitions actually happen during a match or in between matches?

this latency either it is stable during the game or it degrades but never bad goes to better while playing

OK, a single video with a transition from good to degradation would be nice :wink: