Hi all,
Linux is not new to me, have been using it over the years, but OpenWRT is semi new to me.
Have used it in the past on TP-Link AP and now after many years on a router device.
Two days ago I install it on a Edgerouter X v2.0. Needed to downgrade it first to v1.10.10.
Could not get it to install following the OpenWRT wiki. It doesn't like OpenWRT .BIN files the original firmware.
The OpenWrt wiki guide must be updated I think to notice this cause users getting to a dead end with that .BIN file.
Finally I got OpenWrt installed with a work around by installing the openwrt-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-initramfs-factory.TAR from:
After installing the Opennet firmware (which is based on LEDE/OpenWRT) I could then proceed and install openwrt-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sysupgrade.tar that I downloaded/made via git.
And now I am finally on OpenWrt.
All works great, getting full speeds from cable provider 500/40.
But I see allot of files in /tmp that makes me wonder if these are left overs from the upgrade:
~# ls /tmp/
TZ dnsmasq.d hosts lock luci-indexcache opkg-IJAHNo overlay resolv.conf.auto shm sysinfo usr
dhcp.leases etc lib log luci-modulecache opkg-lists resolv.conf run state tmp
Is this normal or should I try to delete those files/directories?