Maybe this option, mwan3 is is more for load balance/failover if you have multiple pipes.
That looks promising, thanks!
Edit: vpn-policy-routing isn't in the official repo yet... but vpnbypass is, also by strangi, and I think it will do what I want also.
Edit2: vpnbypass did the trick with no hassle or fuss at all
I'm also seeing weird 5ghz performance differences between stock OpenWrt (18.06.4) and the latest David build on a 3200acm. With stock I get occasional dropouts, but a consistent router ping of around 6ms with minimal variance, but with the latest David build, pings are averaging around 200ms with significant variance.
As far as I can tell the configurations are identical (channels etc). If the wireless drivers are the same it must be something else - any thoughts on how to diagnose possible causes @davidc502?
I had this issue as well after an upgrade - think it was due to the fact I had DNSSEC enabled and was using dnsmasq-full (which is downgraded to normal dnsmasq during the upgrade). Turning off DNSSEC while I installed dnsmasq-full solved the issue for me.
Yeah, same everything wifi, so no difference there. Even though 18.06.4 is much older the drivers haven't changed much in a year. Hard to say, but are you having the same issue across the board or with 1 device? For starters you might "forget" everything about that wifi SID and re-enter the PSK, and see if that changes anything.
hi Mr. David again
Today i fixed DNSMASQ problem by remove Dnsmasq and reinstall dnsmasq full
please add dnsmasq full instead of standard in your next build
Thank You Mr. David For your very best work
Tarek Herik
Dear Dave,
Hello and I hope that you are doing well. I have not written you in a while and in the interim I have been enjoying your excellent Builds as always. Now - I have a question / request for you. I run Stubby ( DNS OVER TLS ) along with Unbound. Your recent Builds have OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019 and since OpenSSL 1.1.1 there is included support for TLSv1.3 - with that being said - Is it possible to configure your next Build so that TLSv1.3 is enabled in the kernel or whatever needs to be done to put TLSv1.3 in effect. See here : and here : - no rush or pressure - it is just that I am trying to be as safe and secure as possible.
Stubby supports TLSv1.3 as do many of the DNS PRIVACY SERVERS.
The most salient point from these articles is this point of reference
" In order to compile OpenSSL with TLSv1.3 support
you must use the “enable-tls1_3” option to “config” or “Configure”
Anyway - thanks for all you do for all of us in what I fondly refer to as " The Community "
Peace and I am OUT !
I had these drivers recommended to me in a separate thread for my WRT32X:
I was experiencing an issue with stock 18.06.4 with my 2.4GHz dying and requiring a restart after a couple weeks and someone recommended I tried this release.
Is anyone here up to date with the current state of the drivers, I was understanding not much has changed - what would be different/fixed if I were to use this in place of what's running in stock? In addition, is the Davidc502 builds using these? I guess I'm mostly curious with what's different/fixed comparing Stock OpenWRT 18.06.4, Latest Davidc502, and these Drivers I linked above?
Those packages are built from the same sources as @davidc502's builds and latest official releases, too.
Hmm, so possibly misinformation or someone misinformed recommending those to me, if stock 18.06.4 and Davidc502 builds are no different than those drivers?
Thank you for the reply!
When these drivers were still being developed, stable releases (and even snapshots) where usually not up to date with development, and using my packages or @davidc502's builds would make a difference.
There have literately been no commits to mwlwifi in 8-9 months, and no useful commits in a year. The open source project has been abandoned by Marvel. In other words, Wi-Fi is not going to improve for these devices moving forward.
Right, now this is a bit unrelated and offtopic from the thread (although semi-related due to Driver related talks and what it's using) but I had opened up a threat on the forums here: WRT32X with 18.06.4 - 2.4GHz dies after a few weeks
And was told to try these drivers, but it was my understanding that they haven't really changed so I was curious and what may or may not be different between those drivers, Davidc502's builds, as well as Stock OpenWRT.
Now based on what @eduperez said above, it seems possible that Stock OpenWRT 18.06.4 may not be using these latest drivers or in the past haven't always been fully up-to-date, although that doesn't say for sure if 18.06.4 is using the latest.
The master gitlog version, the 19.x version, the 18,x version; check that against what you see in the image you are running.
Don't run 18.06 it's just too old. At this point if you are going to run an official OpenWrt then run 19.07 RC1: OpenWrt 19.07.0 first release candidate
Davidc502 is built off Master which is more update to date but potentially less stable.
Done -- And I've saved the config. It should be available for use in the next build.
Thanks for bringing to my attention. This is a good options to have available.
Is there still no easy way to add secure DNS btw? Why does DNSMASQ not support DNS over HTTPS?
I have installed the 19.07 version on asc1900 but why is the latency higher on that than with davidbuild ?
HI Davidc502-, thank you for providing these builds. I bought a wrt32x to replace an overbooked wndr3800 and the wifi now screams with your build on this hardware.
I'd like to customize your build a bit. For my wndr3800, I customized hnyman's builds, here: Build for WNDR3700v1/v2 / WNDR3800 . He provides .config.init files, which are minimalistic requirements to make his build. Copying .config.init to .config and running make defconfig will create a full blown .config ready to build with all dependencies. That proces seems to avoid the menu dependency problem folks ran into above.
Could you help me build the minimal .config.init of your build or give me an idea of what it would be and I can run tests to try to make something work? Any suggestion is appreciated and thanks again for the builds.
Example config.init for wndr3800
I do make a change to the wifi driver that helps 1200ac users with latency, but not aware that it helps the 1900acs. Otherwise, there is no difference between the two.