[ 12.307080] GobiNet_q 2-1.1:1.4 usb0: register 'GobiNet_q' at usb-11200000.xhci-1.1, GobiNet Ethernet Device, 02:50:f4:00:00:00
[ 12.319373] creating qcqmi0
[ 14.182668] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 866: interface is down, cmd [8be2] return!!!
[ 14.217509] 7981@C01L2,RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle() 1511: -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT
[ 14.225806] msta_ifname not found
[ 14.229713] client_get_axi_slot_id(): wrong BUS_TYPE
[ 14.234679] warp_cap_support(): chip_id=7981 is in WHNAT support list
[ 14.241118] warp_entry_acquire(): bus slot:0, hook to WARP, entry id=0, entry: 00000000cf29cc1a
[ 14.249810] client_hif_specific_get(): hw->base_phy_addr 0x18000000!!
[ 14.256244] client_chip_specific_get(): 0x7981 chip id 0x7981!!
[ 14.262257] warp_entry_get_by_pdev(): return entry[0]
[ 14.267481] warp_msg_register():warp,pid,3345,id,0,wed_idx,0
[ 14.273234] wed_init(0): res_start = 0x15010000, size = 1000, irq=7,base_addr=0xffffffc011335000
[ 14.282408] wed_ring_init(): wed tx ring init result = 0
[ 14.287905] wed_ring_init(): wed rx ring init result = 0
[ 14.300079] create wed ok!!!
[ 14.303002] wdma_init(): wdma(0) base_addr=0xffffffc01134d800, base_phy_addr=0x15104800
[ 14.311733] warp_woif_bus_init_hw(): bus:00000000c95992ae, txring: 20, pa: 0x0000000074b58000, 0x0000000074b58000, 24, 28, 3c
[ 14.323051] warp_woif_bus_init_hw(): bus:00000000c95992ae, rxring: 50, pa: 0x0000000074b5a000, 0x0000000074b5a000, 54, 58, 6c
[ 14.334380] get_region_info(): wed_idx = 0, base_addr = 0x00000000d5fde2b0, size = 0x40000, res.start = 0x47d80000, shared:0
[ 14.345599] get_region_info(): wed_idx = 0, base_addr = 0x0000000000aaf12d, size = 0x8000, res.start = 0x151e0000, shared:0
[ 14.356765] get_region_info(): wed_idx = 0, base_addr = 0x000000009da67a66, size = 0x240000, res.start = 0x47dc0000, shared:1
[ 14.368071] get_region_info(): wed_idx = 0, base_addr = 0x00000000a13e2053, size = 0x1000, res.start = 0x15194000, shared:0
[ 14.379187] warp_fwdl_mcu_mode(): mcu mode, need fwdl
[ 14.419459] ########## WO Firmware ##########
[ 14.423840] Chip ID: 0x0000
[ 14.426637] ECO version:0
[ 14.429246] Version: DEV_000000
[ 14.432385] Build date: 20220420202134
[ 14.436129] Total region:3
[ 14.438830] #################################
[ 14.443181] Parsing tailer region 0
[ 14.446663] Target address: 0x151e0000
[ 14.450484] Download size: 20736
[ 14.453820] Parsing tailer region 1
[ 14.457303] Target address: 0x47d80000
[ 14.461134] Download size: 86000
[ 14.464511] Parsing tailer region 2
[ 14.467998] Target address: 0x47dc0000
[ 14.471828] Download size: 2283984
[ 14.477325] warp_fwdl_ready_check_mcu_mode(): waiting for wocpu
[ 14.498356] warp_fwdl_ready_check_mcu_mode(): wocpu is ready
[ 14.504028] warp_woctrl_init_state(), wo_state: WO_STATE_ENABLE
[ 14.509961] wo_proc_init done 000000008b9f0285
[ 14.514490] wo_exep_proc_init done 000000008b9f0285
[ 14.519473] wo_exception_init(0): exp log= 0x00000000d3d7bc00, phy_addr= 0x0000000074ae8000 size= 32768
[ 14.599270] 7981@C12L1,RTMPWirelessModeCfg() 604: Init: BSS0 PhyMode=78
[ 14.605884] 7981@C12L1,RTMPWirelessModeCfg() 604: Init: BSS1 PhyMode=177
[ 14.612867] 7981@C23L3,auto_ch_select_set_cfg() 3392: BandIdx0, AutoChannelAtBootup=0, AutoChannelAlg = 0
[ 14.622425] 7981@C23L3,auto_ch_select_set_cfg() 3392: BandIdx1, AutoChannelAtBootup=0, AutoChannelAlg = 0
[ 14.671016] 7981@C15L1,Set_PMFMFPC_Proc() 1722: [PMF] :: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=1
[ 14.678404] WiFi@C15L1,Set_PMFMFPC_Proc() 1722: [PMF] :: apidx=1, Desired MFPC=1
[ 14.687611] WiFi@C12L1,RTMPSetProfileParameters() 8443: ra0, QoSMgmtCapa=0
[ 14.694478] WiFi@C12L1,RTMPSetProfileParameters() 8443: (null), QoSMgmtCapa=0
[ 14.705738] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1588: APCLI[0] ApCliMuMimoDlEnable = 0
[ 14.714253] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1588: APCLI[1] ApCliMuMimoDlEnable = 0
[ 14.722925] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1607: APCLI[0] ApCliMuMimoUlEnable = 0
[ 14.731441] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1607: APCLI[1] ApCliMuMimoUlEnable = 0
[ 14.741688] WiFi@C03L1,AndesSendCmdMsg() 754: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD
[ 14.752893] WiFi@C03L2,AndesSendCmdMsg() 765: Command type = ed, Extension command type = 48
[ 14.761332] WiFi@C03L1,AndesSendCmdMsg() 754: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD
[ 14.772538] WiFi@C03L2,AndesSendCmdMsg() 765: Command type = ed, Extension command type = 48
[ 14.843872] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=50404e70, txrx = 0
[ 14.853064] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=40404e70, txrx = 0
[ 14.867084] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): configure ring 0 setting
[ 14.872754] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): wed:000000004d51bb73 wifi:0000000091aefa8d: 24420=75e88000,24424=2048,24428=0
[ 14.883012] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): configure ring 1 setting
[ 14.888672] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): wed:000000004d51bb73 wifi:0000000091aefa8d: 24430=75e90000,24434=2048,24438=0
[ 14.899043] set_rrocfg,0
[ 14.924444] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=40404e74, txrx = 3
[ 14.930094] using E1 ROM patch
[ 14.933142] using E1 RAM
[ 14.935675] current sync CR = 0x1
[ 14.938986] Built date: 20220420201732a
[ 14.942910] Platform: ALPS
[ 14.945693] HW/SW version: 0x8a108a10
[ 14.949437] Patch version: 0xffffffff
[ 14.957169] current sync CR = 0x1
[ 14.960480] Chip ID: 0x14
[ 14.963190] Eco version: 0x00
[ 14.966232] Region number: 0x0b
[ 14.969456] Format version: 0x02
[ 14.972767] Format flag: 0x01
[ 14.975816] Ram version: ____000000
[ 14.979393] Built date: 20220420201748
[ 14.983236] Common crc: 0x29f8303a
[ 14.986720] Release info: header tag = 0, total length = 64
[ 14.992374] tag 1, padding length = 1, tag length = 59
[ 14.997590] payload: t-neptune-main-mt7915-1953-MT7981_MP2111_3_0-20220420201700
[ 15.025307] Chip ID: 0x00
[ 15.028035] Eco version: 0x00
[ 15.031092] Region number: 0x03
[ 15.034307] Format version: 0x02
[ 15.037617] Format flag: 0x01
[ 15.040667] Ram version: DEV_000000
[ 15.044242] Built date: 20220420202058
[ 15.048081] Common crc: 0xf1c27858
[ 15.051566] Release info: header tag = 0, total length = 0
[ 15.134856] current sync CR = 0x7
[ 15.138188] efuse_probe: efuse = deaddead
[ 15.164395] WiFi@C02L1,is_cal_free_ic() 831: [a-die version:1]
[ 18.131026] WiFi@C17L1,RTMPReadTxPwrPerRate() 450: (450): Don't Support this now!
[ 18.138537] WiFi@C01L1,AntCfgInit() 3035: Not support for HIF_MT yet!
[ 18.162450] ch_switch_monitor_state_machine_init:: enter
[ 18.167790] ch_switch_monitor_cfg_reset:: enter
[ 18.172327] ch_switch_monitor_cfg_reset:: enter
[ 18.177188] WiFi@C17L1,tx_pwr_comp_init() 641: NotSupportYet!
[ 18.183127] WiFi@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 18.188628] WiFi@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 18.194215] WiFi@C14L1,IPMacTable_init() 348: IPMacTable already inited!
[ 18.221049] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=58404e75, txrx = 3
[ 18.226806] WiFi@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 18.232307] WiFi@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 18.237753] WiFi@C00L1,set_ack_timeout_mode_byband() 13329: CTS/ACK Timeout Range should between [0xFFFF:0]!!
[ 18.247664] WiFi@C00L1,set_datcfg_ack_cts_timeout() 13417: DAT config band(0) cck_timeout Fail!
[ 18.256355] WiFi@C00L1,set_ack_timeout_mode_byband() 13329: CTS/ACK Timeout Range should between [0xFFFF:0]!!
[ 18.266261] WiFi@C00L1,set_datcfg_ack_cts_timeout() 13428: DAT config band(0) ofdm_timeout Fail!
[ 18.275038] WiFi@C00L1,set_ack_timeout_mode_byband() 13329: CTS/ACK Timeout Range should between [0xFFFF:0]!!
[ 18.284944] WiFi@C00L1,set_datcfg_ack_cts_timeout() 13439: DAT config band(0) ofdma_timeout Fail!
[ 18.293807] WiFi@C00L1,set_ack_timeout_mode_byband() 13329: CTS/ACK Timeout Range should between [0xFFFF:0]!!
[ 18.303712] WiFi@C00L1,set_datcfg_ack_cts_timeout() 13417: DAT config band(1) cck_timeout Fail!
[ 18.312403] WiFi@C00L1,set_ack_timeout_mode_byband() 13329: CTS/ACK Timeout Range should between [0xFFFF:0]!!
[ 18.322309] WiFi@C00L1,set_datcfg_ack_cts_timeout() 13428: DAT config band(1) ofdm_timeout Fail!
[ 18.331085] WiFi@C00L1,set_ack_timeout_mode_byband() 13329: CTS/ACK Timeout Range should between [0xFFFF:0]!!
[ 18.340991] WiFi@C00L1,set_datcfg_ack_cts_timeout() 13439: DAT config band(1) ofdma_timeout Fail!
[ 18.350938] WiFi@C00L2,dump_ht_cap() 29: Caller: dump_ht_cap+0x10/0x20 [mt_wifi]
[ 18.359649] WiFi@C00L2,dump_ht_cap() 29: Caller: dump_ht_cap+0x10/0x20 [mt_wifi]
[ 18.486949] :(op = 1)
[ 18.494106] 7981@C00L1,FastPathCheckMIC() 1010: (ret = 0)(op:1)
[ 18.500088] 7981@C00L2,red_tail_drop_init() 83: red_tail_drop_init: available token:8192, whnat_en:1
[ 18.509265] 7981@C00L1,MtCmdCr4RedSet() 914: MtCmdCr4RedSet: (ret = 0)
[ 18.515863] 7981@C00L1,SendRedCmd() 1049: SendRedCmd:(ret = 1)
[ 18.521889] 7981@C01L2,RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle() 1488: -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP
[ 18.529935] WiFi@C01L3,wifi_sys_open() 840: wdev idx = 0
[ 18.535565] 7981@C18L3,BuildChannelList() 475:
[ 18.540152] 7981@C00L3,BuildChannelList() 505: BandIdx = 0, PhyMode = 78, ChListNum = 11:
[ 18.548370] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.554741] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.561207] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.567592] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.574061] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.580442] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.586909] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.593291] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.599766] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.606147] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.612618] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.618991] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.625467] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.631842] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.638306] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.644683] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.651156] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.657534] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.663993] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.670375] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.676843] 7981@C14L1,vht80_channel_group() 1560: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.683216] 7981@C14L1,vht160_channel_group() 1629: invalid ch_band 0
[ 18.689673] 7981@C23L1,DfsBuildChannelList() 3465: [RDM]: wdev is not 5G.
[ 18.696514] 7981@C23L3,RadarStateCheck() 239: Zero Wait State: 0
[ 18.702655] 7981@C00L1,mt7981_apply_dpd_flatness_data() 624: eeprom 0x19a bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal
[ 18.711828] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdChannelSwitch() 2529: ctrl_chl=6, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=8 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=1, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(0)
[ 18.860964] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdSetTxRxPath() 2772: ctrl_chl=6, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=8, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=1,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(0)
[ 18.875156] WiFi@C00L2,dump_ht_cap() 29: Caller: wlan_operate_init+0xa4/0x148 [mt_wifi]
[ 18.883210] wdev_attr_update(): wdevId0 = f8:5e:3c:66:af:c6
[ 18.888843] WiFi@C12L1,wifi_sys_open() 891: wifi_sys_open():band0 group_idx[0]=0, bw_grp=16 omac=0
[ 18.897888] 7981@C08L3,hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open() 13: wdev_idx=0
[ 18.903937] 7981@C02L2,AsicRadioOnOffCtrl() 2291: DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn
[ 18.910932] 7981@C00L2,ApAutoChannelAtBootUp() 332: ----------------->
[ 18.917730] 7981@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 18.923432] 7981@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 18.928880] 7981@C00L1,ApAutoChannelAtBootUp() 498: not A band
[ 18.934725] 7981@C08L1,ap_run_at_boot() 624: ACS is disable !!
[ 18.941624] 7981@C08L2,APStartUpForMbss() 976: ===>(caller:ap_inf_open+0x144/0x4d0 [mt_wifi]), mbss_idx:0, CfgMode:0
[ 18.952212] 7981@C15L2,APPMFInit() 121: [PMF] Security is not WPA2/WPA2PSK AES
[ 18.959432] 7981@C15L2,APPMFInit() 133: [PMF] apidx=0, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[ 18.966740] 7981@C18L3,BuildChannelList() 475:
[ 18.971497] WiFi@C00L2,dump_ht_cap() 29: Caller: dump_ht_cap+0x10/0x20 [mt_wifi]
[ 18.979099] WiFi@C08L2,ap_link_up() 7047: (caller:wdev_do_linkup+0x20/0x38 [mt_wifi]), wdev(0)
[ 18.987715] 7981@C01L3,wifi_sys_linkup() 1150: wdev idx = 0
[ 18.993533] 7981@C08L3,hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up() 72: wdev_idx=0
[ 19.003337] 7981@C08L3,UpdateBeaconHandler() 1903: BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 0 (ra0)
[ 19.011224] 7981@C08L3,UpdateBeaconHandler() 1916: Band0 BcnInitedRnd = 3
[ 19.018260] 7981@C00L1,TxCCKStreamCtrl() 20323: set wrong parameters
[ 19.034676] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.034676] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0
[ 19.034676] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1
[ 19.048680] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.048680] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0
[ 19.048680] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.062666] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.062666] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0
[ 19.062666] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1
[ 19.076663] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.076663] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0
[ 19.076663] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.090744] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.090744] u1CmdSubId = 31, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0
[ 19.090744] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.104826] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.104826] u1CmdSubId = 33, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0
[ 19.104826] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.118973] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdTxPwrShowInfo() 13707: ucTxPowerInfoCatg: 2, BandIdx: 0
[ 19.126762] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdTxPwrShowInfo() 13736: (ret = 0)
[ 19.132430] [mtf_txpower_all_rate_info] band_idx:0 pwr:43 ChBand:2G ePAGain:0
[ 19.139615] mtk_ppe_dev_register_hook : ineterface ra0 register (1)
[ 19.226394] 7981@C08L2,mbss_virtual_if_open() 134: ===> rax0
[ 19.232255] 7981@C01L2,RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle() 1511: -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT
[ 19.240355] 7981@C01L2,RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle() 1488: -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP
[ 19.248360] WiFi@C01L3,wifi_sys_open() 840: wdev idx = 1
[ 19.254303] 7981@C18L3,BuildChannelList() 475:
[ 19.258879] 7981@C00L3,BuildChannelList() 505: BandIdx = 1, PhyMode = 177, ChListNum = 21:
[ 19.267311] 7981@C23L3,DfsBuildChannelList() 3510: Done
[ 19.272555] 7981@C23L3,RadarStateCheck() 239: Zero Wait State: 0
[ 19.278636] 7981@C23L3,RadarStateCheck() 263: RD_SILENCE_MODE
[ 19.285545] 7981@C23L3,DfsCacNormalStart() 3377: [RDM] CAC 65 seconds start . Disable MAC TX
[ 19.294005] 7981@C23L3,DfsSwitchCheck() 3666: DFS ByPass TX calibration.
[ 19.300797] 7981@C00L1,mt7981_apply_dpd_flatness_data() 624: eeprom 0x19a bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal
[ 19.309932] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdChannelSwitch() 2529: ctrl_chl=36, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=50 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=3, TXStream=3, RXStream=3, scan(0)
[ 19.370972] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdSetTxRxPath() 2772: ctrl_chl=36, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=50, RxPath=7, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=3,TXStream=3, RXStream=7, scan(0)
[ 19.389974] WiFi@C00L2,dump_ht_cap() 29: Caller: wlan_operate_init+0xa4/0x148 [mt_wifi]
[ 19.398027] wdev_attr_update(): wdevId1 = fa:5e:3c:76:af:c6
[ 19.403641] WiFi@C12L1,wifi_sys_open() 891: wifi_sys_open():band1 group_idx[1]=4, bw_grp=16 omac=0
[ 19.412612] 7981@C08L3,hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open() 13: wdev_idx=1
[ 19.419462] 7981@C02L2,AsicRadioOnOffCtrl() 2291: DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn
[ 19.426289] 7981@C00L2,ApAutoChannelAtBootUp() 332: ----------------->
[ 19.432918] 7981@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 19.438419] 7981@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 19.443817] 7981@C00L1,ApAutoChannelAtBootUp() 492: zero-wait DFS is not enabled
[ 19.451208] 7981@C08L1,ap_run_at_boot() 624: ACS is disable !!
[ 19.458020] 7981@C08L2,APStartUpForMbss() 976: ===>(caller:ap_inf_open+0x144/0x4d0 [mt_wifi]), mbss_idx:1, CfgMode:0
[ 19.468614] 7981@C15L2,APPMFInit() 121: [PMF] Security is not WPA2/WPA2PSK AES
[ 19.475840] 7981@C15L2,APPMFInit() 133: [PMF] apidx=1, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[ 19.483148] 7981@C18L3,BuildChannelList() 475:
[ 19.487898] WiFi@C00L2,dump_ht_cap() 29: Caller: dump_ht_cap+0x10/0x20 [mt_wifi]
[ 19.495505] WiFi@C08L2,ap_link_up() 7047: (caller:wdev_do_linkup+0x20/0x38 [mt_wifi]), wdev(1)
[ 19.504131] 7981@C01L3,wifi_sys_linkup() 1150: wdev idx = 1
[ 19.509946] 7981@C08L3,hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up() 72: wdev_idx=1
[ 19.519559] 7981@C08L3,UpdateBeaconHandler() 1903: BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 0 (rax0)
[ 19.527472] 7981@C08L3,UpdateBeaconHandler() 1916: Band1 BcnInitedRnd = 8
[ 19.547435] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.547435] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0
[ 19.547435] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1
[ 19.561436] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.561436] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0
[ 19.561436] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.575422] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.575422] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0
[ 19.575422] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1
[ 19.589416] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.589416] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0
[ 19.589416] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.603496] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.603496] u1CmdSubId = 31, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0
[ 19.603496] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.617577] PrintSrCmd:
[ 19.617577] u1CmdSubId = 33, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0
[ 19.617577] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0
[ 19.631727] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdTxPwrShowInfo() 13707: ucTxPowerInfoCatg: 2, BandIdx: 1
[ 19.639543] 7981@C03L3,MtCmdTxPwrShowInfo() 13736: (ret = 0)
[ 19.645214] [mtf_txpower_all_rate_info] band_idx:1 pwr:42 ChBand:5G ePAGain:0
[ 19.652415] mtk_ppe_dev_register_hook : ineterface rax0 register (2)
[ 20.411374] mtk_soc_eth 15100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down
[ 20.464028] mtk_soc_eth 15100000.ethernet eth0: configuring for fixed/2500base-x link mode
[ 20.473034] mtk_soc_eth 15100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 2.5Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
[ 20.476944] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 20.486990] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan1: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 20.494645] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan1
[ 20.502808] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered blocking state
[ 20.508045] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered disabled state
[ 20.513723] device lan1 entered promiscuous mode
[ 20.524568] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[ 20.539347] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan2: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 20.548277] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan2
[ 20.557123] br-lan: port 2(lan2) entered blocking state
[ 20.562373] br-lan: port 2(lan2) entered disabled state
[ 20.568614] device lan2 entered promiscuous mode
[ 20.578477] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan3: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 20.586192] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan3
[ 20.596092] br-lan: port 3(lan3) entered blocking state
[ 20.601369] br-lan: port 3(lan3) entered disabled state
[ 20.607648] device lan3 entered promiscuous mode
[ 20.616612] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan4: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 20.623751] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan4
[ 20.631802] br-lan: port 4(lan4) entered blocking state
[ 20.637075] br-lan: port 4(lan4) entered disabled state
[ 20.643958] device lan4 entered promiscuous mode
[ 20.670885] MediaTek MT7981 PHY mdio-bus:00: TX-VCM SW cal result: 0x2
[ 20.678447] mtk_soc_eth 15100000.ethernet eth1: PHY [mdio-bus:00] driver [MediaTek MT7981 PHY]
[ 20.687101] mtk_soc_eth 15100000.ethernet eth1: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 21.206570] BcnCheck start after 2800 ms (ra0)
[ 22.346375] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 22.354723] nf_unregister_hooks()
[ 22.360379] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 22.483359] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0
[ 22.493107] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20
[ 22.502059] 7981@C12L1,RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet() 3539: IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [MapChannelEn=1]
[ 22.516160] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0
[ 22.525146] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20
[ 22.537993] 7981@C12L1,RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet() 3539: IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [MapChannelEn=1]
[ 23.233377] sh (6024): drop_caches: 3
[ 23.468221] usb 2-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 3
[ 23.473649] option1 ttyUSB0: GSM modem (1-port) converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0
[ 23.481774] option 2-1.1:1.0: device disconnected
[ 23.486884] option1 ttyUSB1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now disconnected from ttyUSB1
[ 23.495025] option 2-1.1:1.1: device disconnected
[ 23.500064] option1 ttyUSB2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now disconnected from ttyUSB2
[ 23.508158] option 2-1.1:1.2: device disconnected
[ 23.513162] option1 ttyUSB3: GSM modem (1-port) converter now disconnected from ttyUSB3
[ 23.521287] option 2-1.1:1.3: device disconnected
[ 23.526281] GobiNet_q 2-1.1:1.4 usb0: unregister 'GobiNet_q' usb-11200000.xhci-1.1, GobiNet Ethernet Device
[ 23.612462] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan1: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
[ 23.620089] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered blocking state
[ 23.625339] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered forwarding state
[ 23.632470] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready
[ 23.830589] BcnCheck start after 300 ms (ra0)
[ 24.203002] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 24.210924] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 25.070004] module exit
[ 25.399497] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 25.416845] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 25.519073] br-lan: port 5(ra0) entered blocking state
[ 25.524230] br-lan: port 5(ra0) entered disabled state
[ 25.529589] device ra0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 25.534228] br-lan: port 5(ra0) entered blocking state
[ 25.539433] br-lan: port 5(ra0) entered forwarding state
[ 25.555712] br-lan: port 6(apcli0) entered blocking state
[ 25.561138] br-lan: port 6(apcli0) entered disabled state
[ 25.566772] device apcli0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 25.600456] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0
[ 25.609790] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20
[ 25.621784] 7981@C12L1,RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet() 3539: IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [MapChannelEn=1]
[ 25.633975] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0
[ 25.642527] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20
[ 25.651379] 7981@C12L1,RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet() 3539: IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [MapChannelEn=1]
[ 25.692084] br-lan: port 7(rax0) entered blocking state
[ 25.697348] br-lan: port 7(rax0) entered disabled state
[ 25.702800] device rax0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 25.707561] br-lan: port 7(rax0) entered blocking state
[ 25.712819] br-lan: port 7(rax0) entered forwarding state
[ 25.725297] br-lan: port 8(apclix0) entered blocking state
[ 25.730829] br-lan: port 8(apclix0) entered disabled state
[ 25.736548] device apclix0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 25.741798] no net device found for lan0 or apclix0
[ 26.104586] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan1: Link is Down
[ 26.109971] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered disabled state
[ 26.122671] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan1: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.130048] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan1
[ 26.173877] br-lan: port 2(lan2) entered disabled state
[ 26.193399] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan2: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.201965] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan2
[ 26.239966] br-lan: port 3(lan3) entered disabled state
[ 26.251735] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan3: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.259281] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan3
[ 26.281318] br-lan: port 4(lan4) entered disabled state
[ 26.293780] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan4: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.301149] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan4
[ 26.357354] Set_MapR2_Proc MAP R2 is already disabled
[ 26.363877] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already disabled
[ 26.373371] Set_MapR2_Proc MAP R2 is already disabled
[ 26.379902] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already disabled
[ 26.392775] Set_Enable_Dpp_Proc DPP is already disabled
[ 26.399520] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already disabled
[ 26.410657] Set_Enable_Dpp_Proc DPP is already disabled
[ 26.417231] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already disabled
[ 26.449373] Set_Map_Proc current MAP MODE is 0
[ 26.458380] Set_Map_Proc current MAP MODE is 0
[ 26.475285] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered disabled state
[ 26.486811] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan1: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.494149] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan1
[ 26.507864] br-lan: port 2(lan2) entered disabled state
[ 26.518424] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan2: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.525760] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan2
[ 26.539492] br-lan: port 3(lan3) entered disabled state
[ 26.550519] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan3: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.557946] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan3
[ 26.571719] br-lan: port 4(lan4) entered disabled state
[ 26.582355] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan4: configuring for phy/gmii link mode
[ 26.589728] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device lan4
[ 28.647187] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 28.655736] 7981@C12L1,rt28xx_ap_ioctl() 833: interface is down, cmd [8be1] return!!!
[ 28.682284] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0
[ 28.689987] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20
[ 28.699323] 7981@C12L1,RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet() 3539: IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [MapChannelEn=1]
[ 28.711511] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0
[ 28.790986] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20
[ 28.799706] 7981@C12L1,RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet() 3539: IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [MapChannelEn=1]
[ 29.575884] mt7530 mdio-bus:1f lan1: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
[ 29.583399] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered blocking state
[ 29.588628] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered forwarding state
[ 38.130691] usb 2-1.1: new SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 4 using xhci-mtk
[ 38.156643] usb 2-1.1: LPM exit latency is zeroed, disabling LPM.
[ 38.185416] option 2-1.1:1.0: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[ 38.191878] usb 2-1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[ 38.199247] option 2-1.1:1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[ 38.205745] usb 2-1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1
[ 38.213161] option 2-1.1:1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[ 38.219643] usb 2-1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB2
[ 38.227021] option 2-1.1:1.3: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[ 38.233509] usb 2-1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB3
[ 38.242672] GobiNet_q 2-1.1:1.4 usb0: register 'GobiNet_q' at usb-11200000.xhci-1.1, GobiNet Ethernet Device, 02:50:f4:00:00:00
[ 38.259402] creating qcqmi0
[ 54.056520] GobiNet::QMIWDASetDataFormat qmap settings qmap_version=9, rx_size=31744, tx_size=8192
[ 54.065478] GobiNet::QMIWDASetDataFormat qmap settings ul_data_aggregation_max_size=8192, ul_data_aggregation_max_datagrams=11
[ 54.824462] net usb0: link_state 0x0 -> 0x1
[ 88.350852] 7981@C23L3,DfsCacEndUpdate() 2945: [RDM] CAC end. Enable MAC TX.
[ 470.132422] 7981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 4816, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 4713, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 4974, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 4816, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 5134, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 4974, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 5294, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 5134, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 5451, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 5294, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 5604, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 5451, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 5758, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 5604, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 5909, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 5758, RxMpduCount 17981@C00L1,mt7981_hw_auto_debug() 12147: RxFifoFullCount = 6066, Old_FRxFifoFullCount = 5909, RxMpduCount 1