Xiaomi 4C usb mod pic

At first let me tell you I am totally noob at hardware modification :mask::mask:and I want to install an usb mod at my router named Xiaomi 4c​:face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer:. So can some one give me picture of Usb Modded Xiaomi 4C :nerd_face:I only need Xiaomi 4C cause I don't know where to place resistor or does it requires to use resistor on data cables..:sneezing_face::sneezing_face:

@nikola.kojovic can you give me picture of it please​:pleading_face::pleading_face:

Hello, srry i dont have pics. But its preety much same as on mine other mod Xiomi Mi 4A (100M) SERIAL , USB MOD

Here u have diagram of wiring resistors Xiaomi R4C USB MOD - #12 by nikola.kojovic

Thanks. But according to the diagram where I can get 3.3v connection on xiaomi 4C for data+:pleading_face::pleading_face:

Usbe is 5v not 3.3 v