X86-64 Basis: PC Engines APU.6B4 oder Supermicro A2SDi-4C-HLN4F

für die Anschaffung einer x86-64 Hardware habe ich die Alternativen PC Engines APU.6B4 und Supermicro A2SDi-4C-HLN4F gefungen.
Das PC Engines Board als Budget Lösung und das Supermicro Board als leistungsstarke Alternative.
Beide sollten OpenWrt betrieben können.
Für mich stellt sich die Frage ob das PC Engines Board ausreichend leistungsstark ist und das Supermicro der Overkill ist.
Betrieben wird ein segmentiertes Netz mit einigen Firewallregeln und bis zu 5 gleichzeitigen VPN Zugängen, WAN derzeit 500 Mb/s ggf. mittelfristig 1 Gb/s.
DNS und DHCP sind im Netz bereits vorhanden.

Wie ist eure Einschätzung.

Zu der PC Engines Hardware habe ich mich gefragt, welches passende Netzteil möglich langlebig seinen Dienst tut.

Bin aber auch noch nicht festgelegt, falls es bessere Hardware für den Einstzzweck gibt, bitte mitteilen.


Given that those are both based on ancient hardware, I'd skip them altogether based on power usage grounds. I have an APU2, same processor as the APU6, and it is adequate for my home use, but I would not buy it today. I'd look at newer N100-based systems, which will not only be much faster and cheaper, but much more power efficient (and these days 2.5 GbE is the standard on most mini-PC based router boxes).


For long-term fixed installation like rail mounted router silent and sufficient cooling is a paramount. Sometimes even fanless option. For budget you need to say how much and where you want it shipped.

The preferred language of the OpenWrt forums is English, as this helps maximize the number of people who can participate in the conversation. Accordingly, please be sure to post in English.

You may use an online translator, and you're welcome to also include your native language in addition to English.

Thank you.


Sorry for my post in german speech.
N100 System was a good point. They seems to be quit better than my original choice. I looked around, but did not found a rack mountable N100 system.
Do anyone know one?
It should be for a long term use mounted in a 19 inch Server rack near an office, so low noise or even fanless would be nice.
It has to be shipped to germany.
Budget should not exceed 500 Euro.

No N100, but it comes with a rack mount kit, photos doesn't show it, they're under the actual device in the box.

I have google teanslate, better that you proofread its result.

Sorry, I do not find any translation to proofread.

Just to check that English text does not replace Nein for Yes :wink:

So I have found Hunsn RJ53, rackmountable und based on Intel N100.
Unfortunatly it is not fanless and it is a chinese manufacturer.
Do anyone have experience with Hunsn?

If you can skip x86, there's the Swissonic 2 MKII, which is a vanilla Totolink X5000R in a 1U chassi.

here's another non-x86 solution - Banana Pi BPI-R3/R4 19" rack system enclosure, no idea what the current status is though, if there're fans, or not.

Hello frollic,
the current status is that my modified housings (10 prototypes) have unfortunately been stuck at customs in Germany for 2 weeks. I hope that we will receive the delivery next week.
Then I will publish photos of the final case.

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