I run OpenWrt 18.06.2 r7676-cddd7b4c77 / LuCI openwrt-18.06 branch (git-19.020.41695-6f6641d)
on my router Linksys WRT32X.
There are 3 radios on the device (radio0, radio1, radio2). They was running fine but I tried to remove the option "Allow legacy 802.11b rates" on the 3 radios and I rebooted.
After that radio3 has no "Operating frequency" parameters and seems off.
Bellow the config with diff on wireless files
Left hand side good working
Right hand side issue
mk24, what do you mean by monitoring?
What are the available features for radio2? What should be the setup?
Looking at the above config, is the setup good for radio0 and radio1 to get 802.11n and 802.11ac?
Edit: I am in a country side house, no other wifi AP, no disturbance.
Edit: Are all 802.11n devices compatibles with 20MHz and 40MHz width?
disabled: Is it the same "enable/disable" in Luci? If yes there is something wrong in my config, radio2 disable in Luci but "disabled": false with wifi status.
autostart? What/when exactly autostart?
I think "pending" is the time between start order (wifi) and ready
wifi -h
Usage: /sbin/wifi [config|up|down|reload|status]
enables (default), disables or configures devices not yet configured.
Not helpful
Where I could find a man/explanations for /sbin/wifi?
Thank you
Again, don't expect radio2 to do anything useful. It's purpose with the stock firmware is to scan the 5 GHz band for radar signals to comply with the DFS rules for operation on the Group 2 channels. Those channels can be used only if the AP routinely checks for radar and moves to another channel if any is found so it won't interfere with the radar system.
/sbin/wifi is a script that is OpenWrt specific, so you would look at the OpenWrt git, wiki, etc, or you can read the script itself to see what it does.
@ lleachii
I am sorry that my questions make you thinking I am trolling. Really I am not, I try to understand. Maybe my English language is not good enough, please be indulgent.
So, radio2 should be enabled but NOT used for data transmission.
This technology is new for me, I didn't know this is required in Ireland as well.
Be sure of the country of origin for your device and follow the readme regarding radio2 and setting the country code (best to not do so, let mwlwifi handle this as you cannot override anyways). The third radio is (currently) problematic, I ended up dropping it from my builds a long time back. You can get things to work, but of questionable value, depends on your use-case.