Even without a clue about the technical specifications, chances of that device getting supported are effectively zero (in all capital letters) - just on the basis of PON ports and telephony features (Broadcom heritage is likely, MaxLinear wouldn't be much better, nor would be EcoNet).
We understood that is not supported, however I am here looking for information let me explain my situation.
My ISP gave me this device already configured, however they leave the default SSID and password, (8 characters long and only numbers), anyone with the handshake can crack my wifi pass within minutes is scary (I already did for testing purpose with my neighbors wifi). I can not enter to web UI and change SSID and password due to my ISP configured the web UI pass, and I can not reset the device or I will lost GPON configuration, I already ask my ISP for the credentials but they refuse to provide them.
That being said, I am looking for options on how can I retrieve the web UI pass, any help will be highly appreciate.
We do not have any special information here about your router and the changes/configs that the ISP has made. You will have to keep asking the ISP, or look for help in the user forums that are specific to that router and the ISP.
This is well out of scope for the OpenWrt forums.
Further, since this particular router will almost certainly never be supported by OpenWrt, I am closing this thread.