TP-Link TL-WR841N(D), WA701N(D), WR740N(D), WR741N(D), WR743N(D), WR940N, WR941N(D) - LADUS / JULIA / Ultra Lite / VPN builds

So, Update.

After getting my DSL line disconnections sorted out I flashed LEDE on my router again.
After 25hours of uptime PPPoE didn't disconnect so that is good.

CPU usage after 23hours initially was fine but after leaving the status page open in the background and going back to browsing coming back after 5 minutes showed CPU usage of 2.5 instead of rebooting or anything I just closed the tab and went on as usual after an hour came back to the CPU usage back down to 0.05-0.40 again this time the CPU usage spiked as long as I had the status page open. if I turn off AutoRefresh it, of course, doesn't spike.

Could it just be that this router is old? Maybe just an issue with LEDE? Or is it something in the build? This happened with the Ladus and Julia builds as well but it was worse UltraLiteV2 is by far the most stable out of all the builds above. I even tried VPN and upon flashing it just gave high CPU usage after a few minutes while setting it up I tried to flash back to UltraLiteV2 right away but it bricked my router. I then had to recover it via TFTPD.

SQM isn't working as intended but I haven't had the time to fine-tune it and my ISP isn't the best so I may have to lose a lot of speed to gain stable pings as I still get some mini-spikes

Update 2:
After a reboot leaving the Overview page doesn't make the CPU usage spike and I can browse the Luci interface without it slowing down and causing the CPU usage to spike.

Update 3: After rebooting since last time the router was up for a day and a half and same issue though when I opened the router it was >1.00 CPU usage already.

Update 4: After 2 days SQM started having issues if I enabled it ping were fine (some mini spikes still happened though) but I was getting constant packet loss. I've switched back to gargoyle as of now will take a look at it in a couple of days.

@hmd61551 Any update on this?


Can you share config to build Ultra Lite for 741N ?.


LADDUS build is updated.
Big thanks to @Fil for testing the build for me as my router is still broken and it looks like I will not be able to fix it.
I'm saving up some money for new one but it is gong slow, so thank you guys for your patience.
If someone else is willing to test the updates too, feel free to contact me here or in the Telegram group (link can be found in first post).

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Hello @hmd61551 .

Installed LADDUS build yesterday on all my routers.
Everything is working OK.

Thank you.


Hi @hmd61551,
Maybe switching to WireGuard (instead of OpenVPN) is a way to go?
Do all builds support 4/32 devices?

Thanks. Keep up the good work.

Hi Guys, first of all thanks for the differnt builds.
I use them for quite some time on my TP-WR841N V9, but have lately some issues.

I updatet to 15.10.2017 LADDUS got sqm running and most the time it's all good.
But sometimes i (and only I) experience massive lags in games like rocket league.
I tried logging into Luci-Panel after i had these issues, and its all super slow and super laggy.

I've tried to change sqm settings, still happens sometime.

I thought about building a Ultraliet V2 like build by my own but failed on setting up the vm/vb.

So is there a change that the Builds above get updated on newest stable code?

Thank you for your time, have a nice day.

UltraLiteV2 ran better for me then any other build was much more stable as well and since I only needed sqm and UPnP it is perfect for me. Though after a while like ~24hours I also experience massive lag spikes and such and if I try to go into the LUCI GUI it freezes... and when I do open it up I see >1.00 CPU usage, I have to reboot the router at this point to fix it.

What I did to fix this was set the router to reboot at noon using crontab. First, i set up the router to sync with the correct time and timezone after that I put the script in the scheduled task list and then using ssh I enabled crontabs.

Here is the script that I got from the openwrt's page for crontabs.

00 12 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot

Thank you will try your workaround.

Is pepe2k's U-boot compatible with your releases?
u-boot mod

Build date 25.8.2017
NEW Experimental OpenVPN build
This build is based on master branch of LEDE.

Working GREAT!!! Is there any chance to add Wake on Lan?. Cheers.

thx for the good work

Is there a plan to release a KRACK patched firmware for 841 v13 ?

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got it loaded onto my wr940n runs well, set up ipvanish on it from instructions all goes ok until I try to enable it when system log shows a keysize error on ovpn file


Hi @hmd61551, iĀ“m testing you first build of LADUS and run Really Well, is possible to update to 17.01.4 branch?

Good Work!!!!


Hey, just wanted to say that I really appreciate the work hmd61551 has done, and wanted to point out for those who still want to make custom images but don't want the hassle of making your own, offers an online "chef" image maker where you can select your router and what packages you want to be installed and it will build it for you. I tried it on a wr841n v10 and its rock solid with SQM and cake.
Please don't abuse their servers because this is not the purpose of the service they are providing, it's for creating mesh-networking firmware
for communities. And maybe donate to them.
I'm not in any way related to the libremesh project though

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Great contribution. Can you share the package list? Cheers.

THANKS!, cooked build working ok!.

@hmd61551 any chance for updated LADDUS and other builds?

Also I have a question - these devices are known to be very limited in terms of memory, but I don't expect mine (WR941ND v5) to do any heavy-lifting, just stable routing, wireless access in single AP mode and built-in basic ad blocking capabilities - so I can enjoy YouTube on my smartTV without all the annoying ads and less hassle setting up adblockers on mobile devices.
There are 2 packages - adblock by @dibdot and simple-adblock by @stangri, which one would be preferred option? How to configure them properly to avoid OOM errors and other issues?
Any experience / advice appreciated from both package authors and users. Thanks!

Unlike adblock there's no memory management built-in in simple-adblock. If you want to minimize the RAM consumption you can do so by commenting out large block-lists in /etc/config/simple-adblock or removing them from Web UI. Both domains and hosts are arranged from largest to smallest in the config file.
Another reason to consider adblock is that it also "compresses" the resulting dnsmasq file by removing "*" from the list if "" itself is found. The simple-adblock doesn't do that. But it's fast. :wink:

Thanks, Stan, your suggestions make sense :slight_smile: I wish I had more experience compiling firmwares, but hopefully hmd61551 will have chance to provide new LADDUS build with updated kernel and latest fixes soon. I'll eagerly beta-test it!