I've just bought 2 x the above devices, having spent sometime researching ease of installation and compatibility with LEDE. Unfortunately, when I come to install the latest stable release for the device, the existing firmware reports 'Checksum Error'.
I have tried multiple TP-Link Firmware ( Regional) variations to try any bypass the check but to no avail.
Before I give up and return my purchases; are there any suggestions?
Can you take a image of flash,it is just next to serial header.
Also can you verify that switch used is AR8033?
And it would be good to take a picture of SoC.
It should be under those cans.
Hm, that would be the first TP-Link device that I know that does not have serial output.
Can you get to serial console when the device is fully booted?
Not much I can do without flash size confirmation and bootlog
J1 is most likely the UART, but as on several of their newer routers, TP-Link has probably cut the trace (missing zero ohm resistor) to the SOCs, probably under the EM shield over the SOC.
I have basic support for V2 done but GPIOs and LEDs most likely changed because SoC was changed.
I can build the image but without serial there is no way to see whats wrong if it wont boot.
I have not been able to find a single bootlog to check partition layout.
I’m willing to give it a go?! Am I right in thinking that even if the new firmware only partially flashes the new boot loader should be accessible via Ethernet and SSH?
Ok, but I gotta write each file with SGMII instead of RGMII currently used for the switch.
Also LEDs and reset button will not work since I do not know which GPIOs are used for them.
Cant fully configure since I dont know reset GPIO of AR8033 switch.
If TFTP recovery works than you should be able to always recover.