TP-Link Archer C6 v2 traffic through is slow

it would be difficult to find any decent router for 40€.

Linksys ea6350v3 £34 from Amazon UK. Ship to Spain for extra £7 ?

Read the posts starting from:

Ideally require another ea6350v3 owner to verify my iperf3 test results because I am surprised the OpenWrt WAN to LAN throughput is so high. See the comment about an earlier post where only 180Mbps was seen using OpenWrt with SQM enabled - this lower 180Mbps figure seems more realistic imho.

There are issues with ipq40** SoC. eg. VLAN support etc.

Otherwise, you do need to spend a LOT more money on a better supported faster router. Someone else is best to advise in 100+ € category.