TL-WR940N v6 (RU): Error code 18005

Tftp will work

I have a router RU, can I flash this US?

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How to flash on Tftp?

I provided that information to you already in the thread "[FAQ] Error code 4503 + 18005":

what firmware is right for Tftp? will suit?

You flash the firmware for your model, the WR940N v6:


But this is the same firmware for the web interface! can?

As noted in the other thread:

What are the differences?

need a powerful wifi!

Разница основана на региональном коде. По умолчанию OpenWrt делает прошивку для ЕС и США.

Они должны обладать одинаковыми возможностями беспроводной связи.

Этот региональный код важен только при прошивке из оригинальной прошивки? Если я буду шить через TFTP, для меня в таком случае они будут полностью одинаковыми? Я правильно понимаю, что приставки регионов в конце нужны только для того, чтобы их принял родной интерфейс tplink?

This regional code is important only with the firmware from the original firmware? If I will be sewing through TFTP, for me in this case they will be completely identical? I correctly understand that the prefixes of the regions at the end are needed only to be accepted by the native interface tplink?

Как отмечено в другом потоке, TFTP не проверяет коды регионов

As was noted on the other thread, TFTP does not check for region codes:

На какой из этих прошивок можно ставить мощность выше 100mW? Или 100mW предел?

On which of these firmwares can you put power above 100mW? Or 100mW limit?

You cannot increase nor change the power limit legally.
Вы не можете увеличить или изменить ограничение мощности на законных основаниях.

See: Reghack works in the latest stables versions of LEDE?
without a boot?

I think the "factory" file without a country code in the name is coded for China, CN.

The only difference among those 3 files is the header being setup so the factory firmware from CN, US, or EU respectively will accept it. Since you have a RU version, none of these will load from the web interface-- but any should work over TFTP.

Once flashed, they will all work exactly the same. The header is not kept after downloading. The resulting image in the flash, including the wifi driver and reg limits will be the same for all 3.

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Do openwrt firmwares come with a boot or not?

No, there is not a bootloader in the OpenWrt image. It is designed to work with the factory bootloader. You should not need to change your bootloader.

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What happens if I flash this
on top of this
via Tftp?

@opfan94, if your original issue regarding error code 18005 is fixed, please consider editing the title and appending "[SOLVED]" to the beginning.


  • That's the same file...nothing noticeable will be observed.
  • Also, if you already flashed the OpenWrt file, you no longer need TFTP, you can use the LuCI web GUI in OpenWrt.