TL-WR740N/TL-WR741N V4/V5 eu full dump

i would have wanted the u-boot version 5 i know that both models match each other but i need the u-boot from v5 not 4 if i would try to create this u-boot using gp code from tp link what i need ?

From german TP-Link GPL site:

But if you look at US GPL site this is the same link to the GPL code for V4 / V5 and EU / US. Thus all is build from the same source.

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OS? linux, windows, i have to try with linux mint :slight_smile:

I think is only possible with linux... Mostly you would need a very old distro or only compiler to get code compiled...

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Don´t understand your requirement for v5 if all is build from the same source...
Does @dktn not provided the version for v5?

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i have to try with linux mint on virtualbox or a live cd with this!
thank you for help i hope that @dktn it was not upsetting because I said i need u-boot from version 5
he gave me that file with version 4 of u-boot no 5 I will keep it and this does not bother me I just want to do it as it was in the beginning!

no is v4 but is not any problem I'll keep it on this :wink: :slight_smile:

Why are you sure that this is from V4? Probably V5 use the same binary with only set the version code to v5...

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i want to try to flash firmware from v5 with tftp autoboot protocol from reset button tftpd64 says: wr740v4_tp_recovery.bin not v5 so this u-boot is from v4 version, not work to upgrade with tftp protocol! :smile:

There are other devices that behaves the same way for tftp update... So this would be no confirmation...

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the firmware version 5 can not load through tftp what's u-boot this problem, someone gave me a copy of the u-boot from the router version 4 went to mine but the same i can not load firmware version 5 so u-boot is part of v4 when i try to load the firmware through tftp the router is restarting and does not upgrade i will try to create a u-boot copy for the router

This is because the bl checks if the new fw hwid from tftp is matching your hwid of current fw on flash and you flash is corrupted... So this would also not match if you have a bl that searches over tftp for v5 fw....
Why not write the fw as you wrote the bl to the flash?
You will see if you have the v5 fw in flash you could also flash a new v5 fw with tftp.

Here is a thread that describes the same problem...

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This is the relevant part of the serial output of the bl on a not working tftp recovery...
The original id's are read from flash after the bootloader partition, this is corrupted on your flash and therefore here is no match...

Bytes transferred = 16384512 (fa0200 hex) 
  original_product_id = ffffffff 
  original_product_ver = ffffffff 
  recovery_product_id = c7000002 
  recovery_product_ver = 01 
auto update firmware: product id verify fail!

For your device the id would be 07400005 and not as here in the log for archer c7v2

If you had used the u-boot_mod you would never had this problem and lost a lot of time... :zipper_mouth_face:

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you can take off your flash from main router then flash it by ch341 whole Firmware i sended to you. it had 4096 KB.
I have just send you u-boot for tlwr740v5. It has 128kb with your MAC PIN.

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You can use mod uboot by pepe2k then return to your uboot later.

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good all you can tell me how can i create u-boot v5 for this router model what programs do i need and what commands do i need to do?
using ubuntu 17.01

Try use failsafe to flash your firmware

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i tried to flash this the u-boot is ok but tftp not working!

Read my posts above!

Create a image with the provided bl from @dktn , append the fw image of his link with cat u-boot.bin >> fw_v5.bin and flash bl with fw.

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For tfftp you must set pc with while press reset button

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