Support QNAP QHora-322 ? (aka. IEI PUZZLE M902)

You have full device access at this point and can do whatever you want to accomplish, the webinterface should also be at your disposal (22.03.3, as all release images, has it preinstalled).

But from here what akron wrote, I`m stucked. Here at this point I need help...

Only this I managed to run:

setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv ethact mvpp2-1

tftpboot 0x6500000 openwrt-22.03.2-mvebu-cortexa72-iei_puzzle-m902-initramfs-kernel.bin
ext4load mmc 0:2 0x6000000 cn9132-db-A.dtb
booti 0x6500000 - 0x6000000

Thank you slh

But here what akron wrote, I`m stucked. Here at this point I need help...

Only this I managed to run:

setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv ethact mvpp2-1

tftpboot 0x6500000 openwrt-22.03.2-mvebu-cortexa72-iei_puzzle-m902-initramfs-kernel.bin
ext4load mmc 0:2 0x6000000 cn9132-db-A.dtb
booti 0x6500000 - 0x6000000

I`m running the initramfs, but you can see I getting this errors. Maybe it is my fault, because I did not understand very good, what to do after the boot of initramfs.......

Update: Finally, I got the two img files (0.img and 1.img). There are copied to an usb stick that is FAT partioned.
Now, I dont know :frowning: what commands to run from root@OpenWrt to copy them in mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p3

I got the two img files (0.img and 1.img). There are copied to an usb stick that is FAT partioned.
Now, I dont know :frowning: what commands to run from root@OpenWrt to copy them in mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p3
Thank you in advance, very much ! :smiley:

Have any of you had the opportunity to test the interfaces throughput running OpenWRT?

Can the ports negotiate 2.5, 5 and 10 gbps?

Anyone with Qhora322 can please dump it using gdisk -l I need the partition layout :slight_smile: Thanks

How to tweak fan settings?

According to this:
You should put in a formatted ext usb drive to avoid headaches.
Other Uboot command are explained here:

Yes, it need tweaks

That was not enough. I need please if you have the device to run gdisk -l
The partition layout is also very important.

Tomorrow afternoon will be done

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Great. Thank you in advance :hugs:

in uboot use command ums to mount usb stick and mmc list to get disks list

I know that. My problem is that my original partition are modified and I do not have a backup from the exact layout.

If you want to install the 23.03.x there is no tweak to apply. Only on older version

So do you need partition layout before flashing openwrt?

It does not matter. The only request is just only to have the device with the original factory partitions

I did not manage how to mount usb stick once in openwrt, could you please explain to community?

  1. Did you use/used a custom openwrt image that has built-in also the Gdisk, or do used a standard one?

  2. To find your dev, remove the USB drive and do a ls /dev/s*. Then insert the drive and run it again. You should see a new device show up. In my case it was /dev/sda1. The one you want is the one with a number. Then you mount it like this (usb1 can be whatever name you like:)@zaq

mkdir /mnt/usb1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb1