Stops at login page OpenWifi (Telecom Infra Project)


I just upgraded the firmware of the DR6018-v4 board using


Everything looked like it took fine. However, when I try using I'm redirected to The username was filled in as "root" and it asked me for a password as shown below.

I don't remember that I entered any password before. So

  • Is there a default password?
  • Or can I find this password in the code, Makefile,... of the packages that I used to build the firmware?

I also tried connecting to http://openwrt instead of, but the result is "can't reach this page".

Where did you get the image, the device isn't supported by openwrt

I got the buildroot from Wallystech's repositories Wallystech/openwrt at wallys-11ax-21.02 (

then you should ask them, why it isn't working, and read the thread I linked to.

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Yes: openwifi

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Thank you, this really solved my problem.

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