[SOLVED] Running SH Script

Trying to run a shell script to install AdGuard VPN CLI for linux

Installed nano and saved adguardvpn.sh

I cannot seem to execute the script? I am trying to install AdGuard VPN CLI.


root@OpenWrt:~# ls
root@OpenWrt:~# . /adguardvpn.sh
-ash: .: can't open '/adguardvpn.sh': No such file or directory

Router is a client
Extroot to USB
AdGuard Home installed


chmod +x ~/adguardvpn.sh

That worked. Thank you.

Now it does seem I have to change every curl command in the script before I can run it all the way through!

You can also try installing curl

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I'm not familiar with the script itself, but I was pretty confident that the initial error was related to the lack of execute permissions.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I was considering installing curl, but there were a few warnings about installing it.

Is it an opkg?

Yes, it is an opkg.

I have installed it and run the instructions from:
AdGuard VPN

Now the error is:

root@OpenWrt:~# curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuard
VPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v
Installing AdGuard VPN...
Update channel: release
CPU type: aarch64
Operating system: linux
AdGuard VPN will be installed to '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' directory exists
sh: stat: not found
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' exists but is not owned by 'root'
Would you like to change the ownership of /opt/adguardvpn_cli to root? [y/N] y
sh: sudo: not found
Failed to change ownership of '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
opkg update
opkg install curl

OpenWrt only has root user - no sudo installed (not needed).

So should I delete every reference to "sudo" in the SH?

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Yes. sudo doesn't apply in OpenWrt (unless you have added multi-user functionality which is uncommon and usually unnecessary)


By both installing curl and adding permissions (with removing all instances of sudo in the script) everything seems to have installed succesfully!

root@OpenWrt:~# nano
root@OpenWrt:~# ./adguardvpn.sh
Installing AdGuard VPN...
Update channel: release
CPU type: aarch64
Operating system: linux
AdGuard VPN will be installed to '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' directory exists
./adguardvpn.sh: line 177: stat: not found
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' exists but is not owned by 'root'
Would you like to change the ownership of /opt/adguardvpn_cli to root? [y/N] y  Ownership of /opt/adguardvpn_cli has been changed to 'root'
Package name: 'adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz'
AdGuard VPN will be installed to '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
Downloading AdGuard VPN package: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/releases/download/v1.0.0-release/adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz
AdGuard VPN package has been downloaded successfully
Checking downloaded package 'adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz'
Unpacking package from 'adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz' into '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
Package has been unpacked successfully
Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin? [y/N] y
ln: /usr/local/bin: No such file or directory
Failed to link the binary to '/usr/local/bin'

To verify the installation, run the following command to import the public key and verify the signature:
    gpg --keyserver 'keys.openpgp.org' --recv-key '28645AC9776EC4C00BCE2AFC0FE641E7235E2EC6'
    gpg --verify /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli.sig /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli

AdGuard VPN has been installed successfully!
You can use it by running command:
    /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli --help

Much credit to the both of you!

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Tad unrelated, but the app is saying it cannot run in the background, and to try running with sudo:

16.07.2024 18:59:47.791532 INFO  [3932] VPNCORE vpn_close: [0] ...
16.07.2024 18:59:47.791637 INFO  [3932] VPNCORE vpn_close: [0] Done
16.07.2024 18:59:47.791772 ERROR [3932] CLI_APP ~CliApp:

        > Please try running the command with `sudo -E`
Failed to start the VPN service in the background

Try running with ampersand at the end.


Not really OpenWrt-specific - this disconnects the executed command from the console.

Same issue with & at the end

Help file:

CLI for controlling AdGuard VPN
Usage: /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --help-all                  Show all available commands, subcommands and options
  -v,--version                Display program version information and exit

  login                       Log in to AdGuard VPN
  logout                      Log out from AdGuard VPN
  list-locations              List all available VPN locations
  connect                     Connect to AdGuard VPN
  disconnect                  Stop the VPN service
  status                      Display the current status of the VPN service
  config                      Configure VPN service
  check-update                Check for updates
  update                      Install new version if available

Are you saying that's the output you received?

Can you show the command you entered and full output?

Output with &

root@OpenWrt:~# /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli connect -f &
                16.07.2024 19:12:42.289826 INFO  [4021] STANDALONE_CLIENT set_ou16.07.2024 19:12:42.322561 INFO  [4021] VPNCORE vpn_stop: [0] ...
16.07.2024 19:12:42.322702 INFO  [4021] VPNCORE vpn_stop: [0] Stopping event lo
16.07.2024 19:12:42.322853 INFO  [4027] VPNCORE raise_state: [0] VPN_SS_DISCONN
16.07.2024 19:12:42.323016 INFO  [4021] VPNCORE vpn_stop: [0] Event loop has be
16.07.2024 19:12:42.323145 INFO  [4021] DNS proxy deinit: Joining event loop
Failed to start the VPN service in the background

[1]+  Done                       /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli connect -f
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Post output of ls -la /opt/adguardvpn_cli

Edit: also there is an official Adguard Home package for OpenWrt - why not use it?
opkg install adguardhome

I have already installed AdGuard Home. I am trying to install AdGuard VPN (IKEv2 Client)

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I see. Then please

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Output of: ls -la /opt/adguardvpn_cli

root@OpenWrt:~# ls -la /opt/adguardvpn_cli
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          3488 Jul 16 18:49 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root          3488 Jul 16 18:30 ..
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root      11327312 May 30 14:59 adguardvpn-cli
-rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root           587 May 30 14:59 adguardvpn-cli.sig
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Try this:

mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
ln -sf /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /usr/local/bin/adguardvpn-cli
/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli connect -f

Not sure this will work but worth a try, I guess.