I was considering installing curl, but there were a few warnings about installing it.
Is it an opkg?
Yes, it is an opkg.
I have installed it and run the instructions from: AdGuard VPN
Now the error is:
root@OpenWrt:~# curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuard
VPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v
Installing AdGuard VPN...
Update channel: release
CPU type: aarch64
Operating system: linux
AdGuard VPN will be installed to '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' directory exists
sh: stat: not found
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' exists but is not owned by 'root'
Would you like to change the ownership of /opt/adguardvpn_cli to root? [y/N] y
sh: sudo: not found
Failed to change ownership of '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
By both installing curl and adding permissions (with removing all instances of sudo in the script) everything seems to have installed succesfully!
root@OpenWrt:~# nano
root@OpenWrt:~# ./adguardvpn.sh
Installing AdGuard VPN...
Update channel: release
CPU type: aarch64
Operating system: linux
AdGuard VPN will be installed to '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' directory exists
./adguardvpn.sh: line 177: stat: not found
'/opt/adguardvpn_cli' exists but is not owned by 'root'
Would you like to change the ownership of /opt/adguardvpn_cli to root? [y/N] y Ownership of /opt/adguardvpn_cli has been changed to 'root'
Package name: 'adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz'
AdGuard VPN will be installed to '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
Downloading AdGuard VPN package: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/releases/download/v1.0.0-release/adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz
AdGuard VPN package has been downloaded successfully
Checking downloaded package 'adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz'
Unpacking package from 'adguardvpn-cli-1.0.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz' into '/opt/adguardvpn_cli'
Package has been unpacked successfully
Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin? [y/N] y
ln: /usr/local/bin: No such file or directory
Failed to link the binary to '/usr/local/bin'
To verify the installation, run the following command to import the public key and verify the signature:
gpg --keyserver 'keys.openpgp.org' --recv-key '28645AC9776EC4C00BCE2AFC0FE641E7235E2EC6'
gpg --verify /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli.sig /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli
AdGuard VPN has been installed successfully!
You can use it by running command:
/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli --help
Tad unrelated, but the app is saying it cannot run in the background, and to try running with sudo:
16.07.2024 18:59:47.791532 INFO [3932] VPNCORE vpn_close: [0] ...
16.07.2024 18:59:47.791637 INFO [3932] VPNCORE vpn_close: [0] Done
16.07.2024 18:59:47.791772 ERROR [3932] CLI_APP ~CliApp:
> Please try running the command with `sudo -E`
Failed to start the VPN service in the background
CLI for controlling AdGuard VPN
Usage: /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--help-all Show all available commands, subcommands and options
-v,--version Display program version information and exit
login Log in to AdGuard VPN
logout Log out from AdGuard VPN
list-locations List all available VPN locations
connect Connect to AdGuard VPN
disconnect Stop the VPN service
status Display the current status of the VPN service
config Configure VPN service
check-update Check for updates
update Install new version if available
root@OpenWrt:~# /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli connect -f &
16.07.2024 19:12:42.289826 INFO [4021] STANDALONE_CLIENT set_ou16.07.2024 19:12:42.322561 INFO [4021] VPNCORE vpn_stop: [0] ...
16.07.2024 19:12:42.322702 INFO [4021] VPNCORE vpn_stop: [0] Stopping event lo
16.07.2024 19:12:42.322853 INFO [4027] VPNCORE raise_state: [0] VPN_SS_DISCONN
16.07.2024 19:12:42.323016 INFO [4021] VPNCORE vpn_stop: [0] Event loop has be
16.07.2024 19:12:42.323145 INFO [4021] DNS proxy deinit: Joining event loop
Failed to start the VPN service in the background
[1]+ Done /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli connect -f