Rpi4 < $(community_build)

again you'll need a new thread for this...

but to answer the above now you've shared the killswitch method...

you are likely seeking "help with firewall forwarding on the wan zone to achieve killswitch functionality" as detailed in the above guide...


when you create your thread... you will likely benefit from sharing your cat /etc/config/firewall etc. etc.

not everyone follows guides properly (or sometimes guides get out of date or similar) and those who assist you will need to verify your configuration

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Adding bcp38 has solved the issue, so thank you!

I will make another thread for this, to see what caused it in the first place, thanks for the assistance.

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Hi Wulfy23, I don't know if this is the right place to ask my stupid question regarding the functioning of openwrt on rpi4. But I need help with setting up openwrt on rpi4.

Here is the problem I am facing. I installed many time fresh copy of your openwrt on rpi4. After installing it and logging in to and creating wan interface everything including Internet works.

Once I start installing adblock and nextdns and banip and enabling it and reboot. I cannot able to go online or simply said I don't have Internet.
Am I doing wrong in installing all the above addons together? Is it the correct practice?

I want adblocking + if my Internet is bit more responsive may be sqm or some other addon. Other than that I don't need any other setting.

This setup I cannot able to get it working without a problem. I accept that I am noob and don't have network knowledge.

Hope you or someone else will help me in setting up my rpi4 with openwrt +Adguardhome +Adblock +nextdns+sqm....
Is IT because I am using all the addons together for single purpose, that's why it's breaking the Internet???

you are mentioning 3-5 services in the one breath... the normal way an administrator works... is to add and test one service at a time.. if there is a problem... go back and disable, revert config or uninstall the last service / change...

then research and learn about each thing you are attempting... gather facts... and if necessary seek help with specific technical questions...

your issues do not sound build related
(i'd advise you to stick to dnsmasq/adblock as your bread and butter... then learn before trying too many things...)


Thanks. That's what I thought in the end. Because I am no Profi in this field. I assumed that when different addons are working together for others, why not me.
You mean adblock addon is better compared to adguardhome?

they do different things...

adblock and banip pretty much work very easily out of the box...

adguardhome does pretty much the same thing as adblock... so you should not really be trying to have both... in addition adguardhome requires manual setup that will / can break your network if you don't do your research / know what to change...

I heard Dns over Quic in adguardhome is faster than the normal dot/doh. I wanted to have it on my rpi4. I don't mind setting up adguardhome manually.
But if I get a help in setting adguardhome and banip and nextdns together with sqm, I would be very helpful. Hope I am not wasting your time

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create a thread with your specific setup questions... they are not really build related...

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Just want to find out which build should I use?
I see that there's [rpi-4_21.02.1_1.0.7-3_r16325_extra_release] and [rpi-4_snapshot_3.5.139-20_r18086_extra].
Packages I use: mwan3 for Dual LTE, DNS over HTTPS with ControlD and I would like to try ZeroTier to bypass ISP CGNAT.
Also, can someone advise on QoS that can work with dual LTE connections, I read that SQM does not work, what's the alternatives?


totally up to you... some nice fixwork over the last week has resolved 99% of master confirmed issues... (3.5.130+)

i'm about to push down a new 'stable' (to replace r17900/3.5.101/stable) once the next build cycle goes through with qosify available...

from the sounds of things you probably would be better off on master images...

go for 3.5.139-20_r18086/current/devel or 21.02.1_1.0.7-3/release

not build related... checkout the forums for recent threads / scripts related to this...
(happy to include an sqm rate watchdog once stable and desired by two or more build users)

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Thanks, I'm gonna do a fresh config with 3.5.139-20_r18086/current/devel.

Thanks for your suggestion. I got it all setup and it's functioning.

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finally fixed it. mtu of wireguard interface had to be lowered to as low as 1280.
what a nightmare. all is working again. glad to be back in the game.

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stable uptodate: 3.5.139-21  twicedaily[refresh]

successfully upgraded

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bootstrap dark theme is not working. I tried changing between Argon and bootstrapdark

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thanks for the report... same here... will keep an eye out in my travels... (probably build related)

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Just upgraded to the latest - thanks!

however, now the port forward firewall page won’t load :frowning:


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thanks for the note...

working for me on 3.5.139@bootstrap

Huh. I was using argon. Also works fine I’m bootstrap here. Thx!

Also an error at the top of the page with argon


fwmodel.getZoneColorStyle is not a function. (In 'fwmodel.getZoneColorStyle(z)', 'fwmodel.getZoneColorStyle' is undefined)
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can we run qosify with sqm?