Rpi4 < $(community_build)

use root for samba , and minidlan , and transmission and all good ( in samba check 'root' )

:slight_smile: on samba working.
:frowning: on FTP not working. I used vsftpd for my FTP server, I followed the directions on the wiki and it worked with the user I setup. The only thing on the FTP side that I did that wasn't included in the wiki was adding local_root=.

I am using the same user for both samba and FTP.

can you share wiki page or settings you are using for samba and ftp
if you can please share procedure
thank you

The Wiki links are in an early post

My FTP config:

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/vsftpd.conf
#ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service.

For samba

config samba
        option workgroup 'WORKGROUP'
        option description 'Samba on OpenWrt'
        option charset 'UTF-8'
        option interface 'lan'

config sambashare
        option users 'media'
        option guest_ok 'no'
        option dir_mask '0777'
        option path '/mnt/sda2/Movies'
        option name 'Movies'
        option read_only 'no'
        option create_mask '0777'

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you are accessing same folder with samba and ftp? Please forgive me for stupid questions i am noob in Linux.

Yeah, with FTP I have the whole partition shared, with samba I have different shares for different folders on the drive.

ok thats the tricky part for me i think adding these partitions and folders for samba and ftp
maybe thats why it was not working for me. And so many files to config ftp vsftpd and creating username password for it i messed up somewhere

Might I recommend creating a new thread to discuss the issues you are having with the ftp and samba where you can describe the specific issues you are having? Since this issue isn't really related to the RPi 4 community build, you can get some better visibility, since I have intermittent access to help and it will keep the off topic discussion limited here.

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touch /etc/dark
rm /etc/dark

cp /etc/custom/luci/luci-theme-argon.cascade.css-apricot /www/luci-static/argon/css/cascade.css

cp /etc/custom/luci/argon.cascade.css.original-2.2.3-5 /www/luci-static/argon/css/cascade.css

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Please take this as a reminder that this topic is intended for questions specific to this community build only.

For questions of general nature which are unrelated to this community built, please use the other available forum categories. Please use the forum search before starting a new topic.

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OK I am sorry

Hi there-can zerotier be added to the package list please https://www.zerotier.com/download/


when the current package repo build issues are resolved... i'll do some testing with it...

fyi... if normal internet function is not dependant on this package, once installed, further sysupgrades would automatically re-add your packages for you...

does basic internet connectivity rely on the package?

hi wulfy23
are u using the banip runtime/package?

After a fresh install (latest [1.9.15-19_r14315) , I enable banip, save settings, status shows

/etc/init.d/banip status
::: banIP runtime information
  + status     : disabled


uci show banip

rebooted: now whether the banip checkmark is on or off, doesn't bring it back ...

/etc/init.d/banip status
::: no banIP runtime information available

any ideas?

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interesting... i'd had my banip off for a while... just re-enabled it and it started ok...

logread -e banIP
root@rpi-dca6328bd6 /51# logread -e banIP
root@rpi-dca6328bd6 /50#

nothing ...
on the webpage it shows enabled, but no info under runtime.

can try with another fresh install if u want, the only things I change atm are the ip's & pppoe anyhow :slight_smile:

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re-install (same version)/ reboot won't help us much... suspecting pppoe... maybe curl.... maybe a list....

you'd really need to enable / enable debug -> restart service ... and get some output happening in the log to troubleshoot....

try unticking automatic wan interface detection...then tick your pppoe interface... then restart the service...

  • package seems to be fairly benign when 'off' ( low noise / conflict / extra dependencies ) which is good...
  • it's sending arp requests on br-lan for internet servers... so i'll have to hold off on making it a default package until it's security footprint improves but as mentioned above... simply installing (auto-reinstalling) it should work well...

Has anyone got I2C working on the community build? (not sure if this needs to be enabled).
Just got an Argon 1 case and i would like to get the fan working (although the passive cooling from the case is amazing).

I upgraded to your build today. I had the same issue with banip. Adding verbosity doesn't make any change in logread. I manually define the wan interfaces anyway. I have curl already installed.
Eventually the service was disabled, I had to enable it and start it and now works fine.