5 GHz support has some serious countrycode issues right now due to OpenWRT missing a few brcmfmac patches that are only in raspi-specific kernels and not mainlined for some reason.
I just gave @anon50098793 a link to a patch file in another thread that will hopefully resolve a lot of the issues, and sometime next week (I've ran out of time for OpenWRT hacking until after a family visit this weekend) I'm going to kick off the process of trying to get the patches included formally in OpenWRT.
@neil1 if you are referring to the patches above, it will be some time before these are in pr form / approved within master.
if you are really keen to try them... what you should do is setup a buildroot environment, apply the patches and see how it goes
be sure to provide feedback in the relevant thread / pr... so we know that it is beneficial and stable prior to pushing it out to every single build user... ( many of which use auxillary ap's which is the preferred method for wireless as stated in the README in the git repo )
Just dropping in to say thank you for this. Very painless way to get back into OpenWRT. Everything I needed came ready to go, right out of the box. Even for my 4G USB stick backup WAN!
I have one more issue
I have deleted the wan6 interface but still pi4 has assigned ip6 address and DNS to my PC. Why is that? I don't want ipv6 on my LAN network.
Why? It's generally more trouble than it's worth trying to disable it across various devices, especially as it does little harm even if you're not using it.
Just go into Network, then interfaces, at the top is a tab called "Global Network Settings" so click on that, and you'll see a box saying IPV6 ULA prefix... Delete the details in that box and save it.
Then head back to the main Interfaces section, and hit edit on the LAN, pick the DHCP server tab, then the IPV6 settings tab, inside youll find 4 option boxes, Router advertisement service, DHCP-V6 service, NDP proxy and DHCP-v6 mode, mark them all disabled then save and apply. Reboot router and device.... No more IPV6 but if you ever want it again it's easy switched back on.
heads up on new feature for advanced users re: power savings + security... in next release
in case it's not obvious, when enabled... luci(uhttpd) will be fired up upon ssh connection ( and stopped on disconnect). manually enabling uhttpd will override this feature ( i.e. it will disable on install... thereafter, if you manually enable uhttpd this does nothing )
I have a question. If i update my pi4 with this image will the installed packages not mentioned in the list will be updated or they will be removed?. What if there are conflicting packages for example ad blocker and simple ad block?
using the above is one option you have to avoid conflicts...
from a command line use '-k' in sysupgrade... then after reboot is all finished...
edit: -k is now the default... and -R will attempt to re-install packages...
( as mentioned earlier... these are only really handy of you upgrade alot... it takes 1-2mins to manually just remove adblock and install simple adblock and similar for other packages removed or added.... each time you upgrade... either by ssh or luci )