Rpi4 < $(community_build)

Hear hear!

I don’t know, or even want to know the back story.

I do know when you have passion and skill people will always want to tear you down.

Then, because you are a rare individual, you stick out.

And haters gonna hate.

Please don’t give up wulfy23. You have a lot of very appreciative people here who are here to support you too.


Still no reply. :frowning:

Since the owner of this Community Build isn't maintaining it any more, it doesn't make much sense to keep this topic open. I'll set a timer for it to close.

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Pretty disappointing situation looking in from the outside and it reflects directly on the OpenWRT team. Sounds like it’s not just one isolated event. Clearly there’s bullying going on, and if you guys had half an ounce of decency you’d get to the bottom of it and weed out the trash from your team that caused this debacle.

I’d use another software package on my rpi if one was available, even if it performed worse. Purely based on the fact that it’s clear the team has toxic individuals in it.


We barely have one side of the story, let alone two. It seems like it could all be a misunderstanding from crosstalk on IRC, but only wulfy can explain his side.


Just had an update pop up! Hopefully that means wulfy is still around :smile:


Check his repo for the details.

Looks like a "juicy version" with more packages, such as nut (that I was installing manually), but I sincerely hope that @anon50098793 comes back to forums.

@anon50098793 are you back? Please come back :cry:

release[minor-update] online:1.1.5-23(1.1.5-19)    [flash]  twicedaily[refresh]  [backup]  [ytdl]  [editor]  [tty]
751-2022031012_fsck-notice [dismiss]
some partitions needed repair

I hope he is back to forum. For now open issues on his repository.

and how to do that?

Check this link https://github.com/wulfy23/rpi4/issues


<-- i am a happy girl!

stable uptodate: 5.7.5-2

dirty pipe fixed. good.

thanks shadow wulfy23 for continuing...dunno if github is a good place to keep interacting like on a forum, but it is a start. back to work.

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I'm so glad for this sign of life

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just want to say that wulfy23 was the responsible of me learning much more about openwrt, network in general and even docker, his build made possible to use my raspberry pi the way i was trying and not achieving, it encouraged me to still learn more and it became a very healthy hobby and i was able to help a lot of people around me with network issues.

and it all started with this build.

thank you


I hope after some time away, @anon50098793 will miss his users and fans more than he resents those who wronged him.


Agreed! Hopefully he resumes

It was so nice to have one thing that always just worked


@anon50098793 is the guy who got me into OpenWRT and showed me there is a realway to do top end router stuff on a Raspberry Pi 4B. Wulfy23 I hope no one is upsetting/bullying or anything to disrupt you in any way. We are all Technical people and we follow the people like Wulfy. Please think Wulfy we want you back very much, there is a lot of very lost people with out you.


Poke so this thread doesn’t die. Long live wulfy23


So wulfy23 is now anon50098793 ???

Yes, he asked for his account to be deleted and the admins complied.