Router WE1826-5g

You still need a regular wan to reach the Internet. The VPN is a layer on top of that.

A VPN tunnel encrypts data then sends it to your modem via the conventional wan interface which must also still exist.

как настроить правильно wan-сеть и wan-vpn. я добавил второй WAN-DHCP client, но соединить их не могу интернет не работает

how to configure wan-network and wan-vpn. I added a second WAN-DHCP client, but I cannot connect them, the Internet does not work

Ask your ISP.

у моего провайдера (Билайн) этот роутер не входит в число рекомендованных, они ничего не могут и не хотят подсказывать. У меня сейчас роутер подключатся к интнету но на ПК ничего не подается. и WiFi тоже. Буду пробовать разные варианты настроек.wan, vpn и lan...Может кто то уже настраивал такой роутер по протоколу L2TP?

from my provider (Beeline) this router is not among the recommended ones, they cannot and do not want to prompt. My router is now connected to the Internet, but nothing is being fed to the PC. and WiFi too. I will try different settings: wan, vpn and lan ... Maybe someone has already configured such a router using the L2TP protocol?

Google "beeline" "xl2tp", there's a lot of info out there, in Russian though.


xl2tpd-control add l2tp-${interface} pppoptfile=${optfile} lns=${server} || {
		echo "xl2tpd-control: Add l2tp-$interface failed" >&2
		proto_setup_failed "$interface"
		exit 1
	xl2tpd-control connect l2tp-${interface} || {
		echo "xl2tpd-control: Connect l2tp-$interface failed" >&2
		proto_setup_failed "$interface"
		exit 1

Что тут не так? могу весь файл выложить.
What's wrong with that? I can upload the entire file

What makes you think there's anything wrong with it at all?

Connection log on PC

Operating system: Windows NT 10.0
Dialer version: 7.2.19041.572
Connection: Beeline Internet
All or one user: All users
Start date and time: 03/31/2021, 0:55:05

Module name, Time, Log code, Log description, Advanced
Connection types: 0 = remote access, 1 = VPN, 2 = VPN over remote access

[cmdial32] 0:55:05 03 Event: Initialization Started Calling Process = C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ rasautou.exe
[cmdial32] 0:55:07 04 Event: connection started Connection type = 1
[cmdial32] 0:55:07 06 Event: tunneling started Username = 08 ********* Domain = DUN parameters = Beeline Internet Tunnel Device name = Tunnel address =
[cmdial32] 0:55:07 07 Event: connecting

спасибо за помощь, мне помогли правильно настроить роутер, всё работает.
thanks for the help, they helped me to set up the router correctly, everything works.

Whose they?

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