Packet loss and Latency R7800

Not sure, I do get a reply notification on my computer using Firefox, but it is running Linux with Gnome, not Windows. Usually the first time you log in or something it asks if you want to accept notifications from the site. perhaps you told it no, and need to go in and reset that?

Got it... I hit OK. There no app right?

Yeah, if you hit OK when it asked, then I'm at a loss, the browser itself does the notifications provided you leave a browser window open, no extra app.

shows how you could go in and disable web push for this site. it will then ask you again, and you can maybe enable it again.

Is the conclusion that the modem is Puma-based? The quick search seems to indicate it is Broadcom The Arris CM8200A is identical to the much more expensive retail Arris SB8200

I don't think it's Puma based, but I do think the R7800 has known problems with latency spikes. The results here:

are not that unusual IMHO for a docsis link, a few orange and occasionally red squares probably just indicates that some kind of event occurred between you and the server they use for testing. Whereas streaks of red indicate that something is consistently wrong for a while... that's what was seen in:

Incidentally when I run this test, I get a lot of low latency results, and a small number of high latency results, on a Fiber GPON line. But I have a web proxy in the way, and so I think this really just means my web proxy occasionally is doing something. The test is HTTP over TCP based, and isn't testing things like UDP packets for a game. I don't care about 100ms of latency on a web surfing connection, I do care about 20ms of latency on a VOIP connection, and I routinely get statistics reports of less than 1ms jitter in my voip calls even though this test shows isolated spikes of 150ms for initiating a TCP connection via a web browser.

Yeah, I am actually thinking about ditching my R7800 myself. I do not want to use WRT32X because I hear the WiFi is not too stable/good, but most of all because the radio power output cannot be adjusted: I get better speed/quality at lower power around here. Anyone knows if Turris Omnia can adjust the radio power?

I get reasonable wifi results from both my WRT1900ACS and my WRT32X, I added the 32x recently to replace something old acting as an AP. I agree with you about the problem of non-adjustable wifi power though. It just happens that I'm OK with the wifi power since i'm in a single family home with reasonable physical separation from my neighbors. Also the 5GHz decays pretty fast outside the house.

Just curious why put two on there?

Couldn't you just use a repeater with it to extend the wifi? Or is it bad in general that it stops working.

For reliability/fallback. If you bork one of the partitions it will boot the other one.

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As I said, current drivers work well, and range is quite good. In the past people had many problems with the driver's including stop working or certain clients couldn't connect etc etc. Almost all of that is resolved with current drivers. There are still a few embedded IoT type devices that have issues.

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Package is out for delivery. :grin:

Guy's should I start a new thread for the new router? or keep it here.

New Thread, please, if you want post a link to this thread in the first post, but new hardware merits a new thread, I belive...

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GM moeller,
I thought I lost you. You ready for another round? :grinning::wink:

How rude of me GM to everyone. Happy Friday in the US!

I can't wait to start over. :flushed::crazy_face:

Serious ? Wouldn't be better to buy a device that I know would handle 4 xbox's. How confident is everyone that this new unit can handle it. I know my speeds are not that great but all that stuff can be changed on the fly. I'm worried about the equipment end.

New device is the top of the line all-in-one device as far as wired performance goes. It doesn't have any latency issues regarding the switch/ethernet drivers, I think you'll be happy.

Here's a link to the WRT32x