Packet loss and Latency R7800

It shows my IP and Mac
And then it says error opening terminal cygwin


This is how I typed it in.

this error may have to do with windows terminal not liking stuff that iftop does...

are you running PuTTY? try that if not:

Wammo it worked with putty cat :cat2:.

Oh boy now what am I looking at.

Damm, I feel like a electrical engineer now. Don’t I feel smart. Not!! LOL

how is it?
i am planning to buy one?
any suggestion?
thank u in advance

You know this ain’t radio shack!!! :joy:

Did you reply to the right post.. I’m still cracking up :joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


iptraf-ng is another similar program... i find it a bit easier to interpret....

if you install it it's invoked with the same options....

iptraf-ng -i eth0.2

Well I got it running. Not sure what I’m looking for.
Ready for next step when you guys are available.
Thanks a bunch!!

The goal was to figure out if the 2Mbps uplink is sufficient. Start playing :slight_smile:

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So am I looking at the peak TX #?

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Yes, you're verifying that you aren't running out of upload bandwidth.

Is that while playing both x boxes in game as you normally would (voip sessions etc?)

I find it hard to believe you're gaming two people at less than ~130kbps

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I guess keep monitoring and try to recreate situations that caused noticeable lagging/dropping in the past and see whether these correlate with peak rates close to your link capacity.


No it was just me.

Yeah all 4 at the same time. :+1:t2: JK Just one.

I keep an Eye :eye: on it and report back if any changes.

Thanks guys!

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Ok, well you definitely want to try it in game during a full session.

I would expect a game to typically take somewhere between 100 and 500 kbps, and a voice stream to take around 50-100kbps. If you have up to say 4 xboxes all operating at the same time it would be not too hard to imagine getting near 2Mbps upload. Monitor it during heavy game play and see if it gets anywhere above 1Mbps.

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I have just looked at a ongoing PS4 game with voice: 80Kbps down and 250Kbps up on average.

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two xboxs with party chat

Mmmh, could you try to copy and paste the content of the terminal window instead of taking screenshots? That might both be simpler/faster for you and potentially more informative for us to see the complete iftop output...

I done for the night... is that going to show my ip address? Little worried about that.