OpenWrt AdGuard Home 101 ( UNBOUND )

Now, I am going to take you to " back in the day " hearkening the good ole' times of yore - maybe some will remember " The Blue Lights In The Basement " we pay tribute in the time honored tradition of the " Intro " ( yes - it is mandatory ) showcasing these classics -- and the lyrics to sing and hum along - and on a lighter note ( no pun intended ) - free yourself - - and keep the feeling - Surprise Bonus -

AdGuardHome works flawlessly with both OpenVPN and WireGuard protocols.
No need for firewall rules or port forwarding with this set up. It works " as is "
right " OUT THE BOX ".

Attention : From OG Poster ( brokenpipe )
!!!! It is possible to install AdguardHome under /opt/,
but this directory can grow. Old binaries are moved as
backup after an update. blocklists can become relatively large. It is better
to move AdGuardHome to a USB stick. So it will survive
future OpenWRT updates !!!!
That Means Setup Exroot for your AdGuardHome Install If At All Possible

Here is a great deal on 4gb USB 3.0 Drives -
Made and Shipped In The Good Ole' USA :


YO ! : I strongly suggest that you watch this video before you begin. Although lengthy - it is very informative and worthwhile. Van Tech Corner OpenWRT AdGuard Home Video Van Tech Corner OpenWRT AdGuard Home. You also will be able to follow this guide much better - as a ( moving ) picture is worth a thousand words.
Follow directions carefully - you will have AdGuard Home up and running on OpenWRT by the end of this guide / tutorial. The setup uses UNBOUND. There is already a guide / tutorial incorporating DNSMASQ with AdGuard Home found here : OpenWrt AdGuard Home 101 ( DNSMASQ ) Many have stated " you don't need UNBOUND ". I answer that with " Well, I don't need custom made Armani suits or a Ferrari either. You see where I'm going with this ?

1 - First you will need to get the appropriate AdGuard Home package for your router's architecture. For example, I have WRT3200ACM, WRT32x, Wrt1900ACS V2, WRT1200AC, and NightHawk R7800. All of these have ARMv7 processors. You should find out your architecture before proceeding. Now there is a script on AdGuard Home - found here - However, I have never been able to get the automatic download and install script to work properly. So, I manually download and install AdGuard Home on OpenWRT, because this method is GUARANTEED ! to work.

In order to find your router's Architecture - go to Luci > Status > 
Overview then under System - on the third line down underneath 
Model ( indicating your router )

You will find your router's Architecture - for the router 
I am currently running for example these are the entries below :

Model     Netgear Nighthawk X4S R7800
Architecture   ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)
Target Platform   ipq806x/generic

You can also enter command below :

# cat /proc/cpuinfo    

or you can install hwinfo / opkg update && opkg install hwinfo
and issue command below :

# hwinfo         

### this will render all the specs for your router - 
look at the beginning of readout for CPU

First, Install These Packages To Get Started - The Main One Needed is sudo - otherwise you will not be able to install AdGuardHome successfully - as always # opkg update

opkg update ; opkg install ca-certificates ca-bundle sudo libustream-mbedtls libustream-openssl libwolfssl libustream-wolfssl luci-ssl px5g-wolfssl wpad-basic-wolfssl luasocket curl libevent2-7 haveged unzip ip-full curl wget libmbedtls12 tar tcpdump-mini

then run # opkg update again - and then install packages for UNBOUND as indicated below :

opkg update ; opkg install unbound-daemon unbound-control unbound-control-setup luci-i18n-unbound-en luci-app-unbound unbound-anchor unbound-host unbound-checkconf 

NOTE : When running DNS OVER TLS ( my setup ) - You first must stop and disable odhcpd. This setup depends on DNS functionality. odhcpd conflicts with dnsmasq for dhcp hence also DOT.
The commands are as below :

# /etc/init.d/odhcpd stop 
# /etc/init.d/odhcpd disable

2 - There are two channels to download AdGuard Home - Beta and Edge. The consensus on the thread - found here : [HowTo] Running Adguard Home on OpenWrt - is to run Edge. As I mentioned earlier, make sure that you download the correct AdGuard Home package for your router's processor.
In my case that is the following link - - notice that edge is named in the link.
A - Just copy and paste your correct link in your browser from this section of AdGuard Home - after downloading - you will have AdGuardHome_linux_armv7.tar.gz on your desktop. Create a folder to extract the archive into - and use WinRAR, 7Zip, PeaZip or some such file archiver to unzip AdGuardHome_linux_armv7.tar.gz ( remember to choose the proper package for your router ). You will now have a decompressed folder named " AdGuardHome " .

3 - Now we are going to use WINSCP, but first we need to create the default proper directory for AdGuard Home installation. Go into SSH shell - enter commands :

A - # mkdir -p /opt/
B - After creating directory, fire up WINSCP - open /opt/ directory on the 
right side of the application - then Drag & Drop the AdGuardHome 
decompressed folder from the directory you had it in on your desktop. 
If you know how to use SCP on OpenWRT ( Linux ) you may use 
that method here as well. After closing WINSCP  - then issue this command 
C - #  chmod 755 /opt/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome   ## and then enter next 
command for installation of AdGuardHome
D - # /opt/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -s install

You should be seeing something like below. Naturally you may see a different IP Address depending on your network interfaces - but you must use the LAN for initial AdGuardHome Configuration - here it is :


4 - Pick out your LAN interface so that you can perform initial configuration of AdGuardHome . Now first I am going to show you how to use AdGuard Home with UNBOUND. Once again I implore you to look at Van Tech Corner OpenWRT AdGuard Home Video Van Tech Corner OpenWRT AdGuardHome
A - Choose LAN Address For Web Interface - Port 8080 / Choose Localhost ( ) For DNS - Change to Port 5353
B - enter commands below ( again adjust for your actual LAN IP Address )

( a ) # uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server='/' 
## --- Your router date & time must be correct in order to have sucessful tls init
( b ) # uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server='' #  UNBOUND IPV4
( c ) # uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server='::1#5353'   #  UNBOUND IPV6 
( d ) # uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server=''     # Port used for Web Interface - use your actual LAN IP
( e ) # uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].noresolv=1   # Use only servers listed here in this file
( f ) # uci commit && reload_config

Note : Go into nano /etc/config/dhcp and modify file as detailed below :

###     option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.d/'

Make sure you disable (apply "###" in front) of entry above
in order to ignore ISP Supplied DNS Servers

5 - Configure Unbound - My WORKING CONFIG /etc/unbound/unbound_srv.conf
( Adjust For Your Router ) see here:

cat >> /etc/unbound/unbound_srv.conf <<UNBOUND_SERVER_CONF
# Use the root servers key for DNSSEC
tls-cert-bundle: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# use all CPUs
num-threads: 2

# more outgoing connections
# depends on number of cores: 1024/cores - 50
outgoing-range: 120

num-queries-per-thread: 30
max-udp-size: 3072

# power of 2 close to num-threads
key-cache-slabs: 1
# more cache memory, rrset=msg*2

msg-buffer-size: 8192
msg-cache-size: 100k
msg-cache-slabs: 1
num-queries-per-thread: 30
rrset-cache-size: 100k
rrset-cache-slabs: 1
infra-cache-slabs: 1

# Larger socket buffer.  OS may need config.
so-rcvbuf: 4m
so-sndbuf: 4m

hide-identity: yes
hide-version: yes
hide-trustanchor: yes
harden-glue: yes
harden-dnssec-stripped: yes
harden-below-nxdomain: yes
serve-expired: yes
serve-expired-ttl: 3600
neg-cache-size: 10k
aggressive-nsec: yes
so-reuseport: yes
unwanted-reply-threshold: 10000

target-fetch-policy: "2 1 0 0 0 0"
val-clean-additional: yes
ip-ratelimit: 300
ip-ratelimit-factor: 10
outgoing-num-tcp: 1
incoming-num-tcp: 1
infra-cache-numhosts: 200

minimal-responses: yes
rrset-roundrobin: yes
use-caps-for-id: no
do-ip6: yes
do-ip4: yes
do-tcp: yes
do-udp: yes
prefetch: yes
prefetch-key: yes
qname-minimisation: yes
qname-minimisation-strict: yes
cache-min-ttl: 3600
cache-max-ttl: 14400
deny-any: yes
edns-buffer-size: 1232

then enter these two commands below :

# uci set 'unbound.@unbound[0].query_minimize=1'
# uci commit 

6- Configure Unbound To Use AdGuardHome enter the following below :

cat >> /etc/unbound/unbound_ext.conf <<UNBOUND_FORWARD_CONF
do-not-query-localhost: no
 name: "."   # Allow all DNS queries
 forward-addr: ::1@5353

7 - Enter these commands below -

# Move dnsmasq to port 53535 where it will still serve local DNS from DHCP
# Network -> DHCP & DNS -> Advanced Settings -> DNS server port to 53535
( a ) # uci set 'dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].port=53535'

# Configure dnsmasq to send a DNS Server DHCP option with its LAN IP
# since it does not do this by default when port is configured.
( b ) # uci add_list "dhcp.lan.dhcp_option=option:dns-server,$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)"

( c ) # uci set 'unbound.@unbound[0].dhcp_link=dnsmasq'

# Save & Apply (will restart dnsmasq, DNS unreachable until unbound is up)    
( d ) # uci commit && reload_config

# Restart (or start) unbound (System -> Startup -> unbound -> Restart) - or
( e ) # /etc/init.d/unbound enable - then ( f ) # /etc/init.d/unbound start

8 - Disable Sending DNS Requests to ISP Provided DNS Servers

8 - Disable Sending DNS Requests to ISP Provided DNS Servers

( a ) # uci set network.wan.peerdns='0'
( b ) # uci set network.wan.dns=''

( c ) # uci set network.wan6.peerdns='0'  
( d ) # uci set network.wan6.dns='::1'
( e ) #uci commit && reload_config

9 - nano /etc/config/unbound - Configure Main UNBOUND FILE

config unbound 'ub_main'
        option add_extra_dns '0'
        option add_local_fqdn '1'
        option add_wan_fqdn '1'
        option dhcp4_slaac6 '0'
        option dns64 '0'
        option dns64_prefix '64:ff9b::/96'
        option domain ''
        option domain_type 'transparent'
        option edns_size '1232'
        option extended_stats '1'
        option hide_binddata '1'
        option interface_auto '1'
        option extended_luci '1'
        option luci_expanded '1'
        option listen_port '53'
        option localservice '1'
        option manual_conf '0'
        option num_threads '2'
        option protocol 'mixed'
        option query_minimize '1'
        option query_min_strict '1'
        option rate_limit '0'
        option rebind_localhost '0'
        option rebind_protection '1'
        option recursion 'aggressive'
        option resource 'medium'
        option root_age '9'
        option ttl_min '120'
        option unbound_control '1'
        option validator '1'
        option validator_ntp '1'
        option verbosity '1'
        list trigger_interface 'lan'
        list trigger_interface 'wan'
        option query_minimize '1'
        list domain_insecure ''
        list domain_insecure ''
        option dhcp_link 'dnsmasq'

10 - Run these three commands to complete UNBOUND

( a )  # unbound-checkconf
( b ) # unbound-control-setup 
( c ) # unbound-anchor -a "/etc/unbound/root.key"

11 - Configure AdGuardHome via AdGuardHome.yaml for UNBOUND
We will edit the sections listed below :
( a ) dns: ( bind_hosts: )
( b ) upstream_dns:
( c ) bootstrap_dns:
( d ) all_servers:
( e ) filters:

( f ) # nano /opt/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.yaml

web_session_ttl: 720
  - ::1
  port: 5353

B - We will edit the sections listed below
( a ) upstream_dns: ( b ) bootstrap_dns: ( c ) all_servers: 

  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - quic://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  - tls://
  upstream_dns_file: ""
  - 2606:4700:4700::1112:853
  - 2606:4700:4700::1002:853
  all_servers: true

Above I used Cloudflare with Malware Blocking DNS using Encryption -
if you prefer Cloudflare Plain DNS then it is :

  - 2606:4700:4700::1111
  - 2606:4700:4700::1001
  all_servers: true

and for Cloudflare Plain DOT Servers using Encryption -
where you enter your own valid SSL certificates chain for your domain :

  - 2606:4700:4700::1111:853
  - 2606:4700:4700::1001:853
  all_servers: true

C - Enter the following below for filters :

- enabled: true
  name: AdGuard DNS filter
  id: 1
- enabled: true
  name: 1Hosts (Lite)
  id: 1635566025
- enabled: true
  name: Scam Blocklist by DurableNapkin
  id: 1625359388
- enabled: true
  name: Energized Basic Protection
  id: 1625359389
- enabled: true
  id: 1625359390
- enabled: true
  name:  -
  id: 1625359391
- enabled: true
  name:  - EasyPrivacy
  id: 1625359393
- enabled: true
  id: 1625359392
user_rules: []

D - From Original Post [HowTo] Running Adguard Home on OpenWrt

Adguard Home Regex:
Those are really good regex rules which already block 50% of all ads/trackers/bots etc.

You have to add the to  
( as per this example - use your actual LAN IP )

Configure Via /opt/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.yaml :

nano /opt/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.yaml


After configuring AdGuardHome via AdGuardHome.yaml one or both of the commands below :

a - # /etc/init.d/AdGuardHome restart
b - # /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

12- I strongly recommend enabled Encryption. With Encryption AdGuard Home admin interface will work over HTTPS, and the DNS server will listen for requests over DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS. For Encryption = Go To Top of AdGuardHome WEB GUI - Settings > Encryption settings the follow instructions
( a ) - enable Encryption - check the Box
( b ) - Fill in full server name such as this example - from my tutorial below : Dynu OpenWRT ACME LET’S ENCRYPT
( c ) Certificates :
In order to use encryption, you need to provide a valid SSL certificates chain for your domain.
You can get a free certificate on or you can buy it from one of the trusted Certificate Authorities.
If you follow my tutorial above you can issue yourself a LetsEncrypt Certificate cost free.

Cross referencing my tutorial above your certificate and key would be the following below :

a - /root/
b - /root/

You have the option to " set the path " ( use a & b above ) or copy and paste them into the appropriate boxes found at the bottom of Encryption settings page.

You must move Luci to different port than 443 see commands below :

c - # nano /etc/config/uhttpd

        list listen_https ''
        list listen_https '[::]:1443'

You may now log into Encrypted AdGuardHome WEB GUI -
this option is available by entering the following ( from example above ) :  - with Encryption Enabled

you will see " green padlock " when logging in / your certificate pulls double duty.

Since you moved OpenWRT Admin Port to Port 1443 you may still log into your Luci Encrypted WEBGUI at :

How To Upgrade Your AdGuardHome Install :

Some claim that you can upgrade from AdGuardHome WEBGUI - it has never worked
for me while running OpenWRT. No need to fear - here is how to upgrade when new EDGE
Version pops up. Hopefully, if you initially Setup Exroot for your AdGuardHome Install
( that means on a USB Stick ) then all you have to do is grab the new
installation by doing exactly what you did when
you first installed AdGuardHome. With Exroot - you do not have to worry about
any space issues - this is why we recommend Exroot to begin with.

1 - Download the correct AdGuard Home package for your router's processor.
2 - Create a folder to extract the archive into - and use WinRAR, 7Zip, PeaZip or 
some such file archiver to unzip AdGuardHome_linux_your_router.tar.gz
3 - You will now have a decompressed folder named " AdGuardHome " .
4 - Then issue this command below :

# /etc/init.d/AdGuardHome stop

5 - Fire up WINSCP - open /opt/ directory on the right side of 
the application - then Drag & Drop the AdGuardHome 
decompressed folder from the directory you had it in on your desktop. 
If you know how to use SCP on OpenWRT ( Linux ) you may use 
that method here as well.

6 - After you drag and drop new AdGuardHome into the /opt/ directory
( overwriting the old installation ) - then enter these commands :

a - # /etc/init.d/AdGuardHome restart
b - # /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

You have now upgraded your AdGuardHome Install on OpenWRT.

Peace Stay Safe and God Bless All Always

PS - I started this journey in order to learn how to use DNS-over-QUIC, or DoQ.
In full disclosure I exclusively use DNS-over-QUIC upstream servers with AdGuardHome.
Also, I used Encryption for DNS OVER TLS bootstrap servers.
So - the whole damn thing ( my DNS ) is encrypted. Special thanks to mercygroundabyss
for his devotion to this project, his time and patience for all with inquiries, and most of all his
kindness and thoroughness in demeanor and practice.
BTW, I certainly will not at all miss having to update the SPKI PIN Keys
for DOT SERVERS in the Stubby yaml configuration file.

Bonus Feature:
For Those Who Care To PIMP Their AdGuardHome WEBGUI
You must install Stylish Addon To Use AdGuardHome Dark Theme
Firefox addon :
Chrome extension :

Go here - For Stylish Dark Themes :


You must enter your LAN IP ADDRESS IN " Customize Settings " Box prior to installation
If you enabled Encryption with a valid SSL certificates chain for your domain - then enter
your Full Domain Name in " Customize Settings " Box prior to installation instead of LAN IP.

As per this example, Full Domain Name in 
" Customize Settings " Box  see below :

You may then access AdGuardHome WEBGUI on port 443 - here is example from above :  - with Encryption Enabled

you will see " green padlock " when logging in / your certificate pulls double duty

Here Is What You Get After Install :


Is there a need for unbound as AGH supports DNS over QUIC directly?

1 Like

Dear mercygroundabyss,
Hello and I gave you a well deserved shout out on this post. Look - I run pfSense and OPNsense on a mini-pc which I have. Truthfully, I have run both for years - and I guess using UNBOUND is just a habit and preference of mine. Ipfire and - most any and all decent FireWall Distros use UNBOUND for DNS. There are many advantages that UNBOUND has over DNSMASQ - the main one being is that one can run their own DNS Resolver. Not a DNS Forwarder but DNS Resolver. I especially like UNBOUND on OpenWRT because I can completely negate ISP DNS Servers from being used on my network. First - years ago - I used dnscrypt with UNBOUND - then - DOT with Stubby - and now AdGuardHome. Lastly, The DNS Privacy Project recommends using UNBOUND as it is an audited, standardized, reviewed and well maintained and developed DNS solution. You can read here exactly what UNBOUND is Unbound - Lastly, I was involved with DNS OVER TLS development and implementation on OpenWRT, pfSense and OPNsense ( the last two are FreeBSD based ) - and through that work I came to understand that Stichting NLnet Labs developed and maintains getdns, stubby and UNBOUND. So, I trust Stichting NLnet Labs as the gold standard when it comes to encrypted DNS solutions. All of the aforementioned fall under the purview and advisories of The DNS Privacy Project so once again - I respect and follow the best practices which these good folks espouse. This is not to say that I do not recognize the value and advances which AdGuardHome brings to the world of cybersecurity. I just prefer to blend the the two ( UNBOUND & AdGuardHome ) as opposed to simply using one or the other. However, I wrote two tutorials so that others may choose to go in whatever direction that they feel most comfortable with. Thanks once again for all you do -


1 Like

Agreed. Stubby and Unbound was the defacto solution for encrypted DNS and was used as plugins for OpenWRT as well. DNSPrivacy's push to extend those bolt on solutions certainly extended the rise of encrypted DNS and enhanced privacy for all.

What I was pointing out was that AGH includes their own encrypted DNS internally. They do DoH, DoT and DoQ. If you have a big network or want to run your own resolver internally Unbound would be preferable. However you can simplify your network by just letting AGH do which ever encrypted DNS service you wish internally and avoid extra troubleshooting with external services?

(edit) Its also preferable that way for people with older smaller routers instead of minipcs. There is limited memory and space on those routers and additional programs and space all add up to a slower experience. Ideally if AGH can sort their DHCP stack out properly then AGH would be a full stack replacement for dnsmasq, odhcp and dhcp from OpenWRT. You would simply disable those OpenWRT services. Setup AGH and gain encrypted dns and full dhcp with filtering and parental controls. (it would also simplify the setup we currently have to "adjust" by pushing those services into the background to let AGH do filtering. The aim is always to make things simple for users as I'm sure you know how tricky getting stubby and unbound was in those early years. I certainly lost hair over it in my trials with OpenWRT)

1 Like

I see your point - and I agree that I should add your advice / caveat to the tutorials so that the folks with older smaller routers and such would be more informed and knowledgeable concerning which AGH setup is best for them. I will add your caveat at the beginning of OpenWrt AdGuard Home 101 ( UNBOUND ) tutorial shortly. Again, I do greatly appreciate your feedback, insights and advice all intended to ensure the best performance and outcome for ALL !

1 Like

Anytime. Lets hope AGH team keeps improving and then we can make the installation process even simpler for people.

Also thank you for writing up these new instructions from that long rambling thread. [HowTo] Running Adguard Home on OpenWrt

I had been meaning to get around to summarizing but never did. That two year long thread is a lot for new people to read and understand all the changes that have happened over that time. Thankfully the new 107 edge build is much improved so the older issues are no longer a problem.



Also thank you for writing up these new 
instructions from that long rambling thread.

No problem - my pleasure - you have done far more than anyone else to advance AdGuardHome on OpenWRT. We all must work together as a team in order to have things work out in the best manner for us all.

Peace and Stay Safe


How much space the Adguard takes with all the settings from this tutorial, i dont rly need to keep logs for longer period of time so its fine to lose them after restart, my router has 200mb left, and i dont intend to install anything else in there.

35mb for binary. maybe a mb on top for basic stuff and medium level of filters. you can use the opkg version of AGH which saves logs/queries to /tmp and thus they are lost on reboot. Or there is my thread that installs AGH as per manual install off AGH wiki.

1 Like

Thanks, yeah i was planning on installing AGH from ur wiki tutorial and then switch to this thread and continue with unbound, i just wasnt sure if i need to increase my flash storage, cause i would rather not if i could avoid it, my router is xiaomi r3 pro so im assuming it should be more than enough for agh and unbound

you dont NEED unbound. the equivalent is built INTO AGH. that's what i said here OpenWrt AdGuard Home 101 ( UNBOUND ) - #4 by mercygroundabyss

unbound and stubby was the old way to get encrypted dns. Now its all part of AGH along with adblocking/filtering.

But i wanted to run Unbound as my own dns server, rather than just using encryption, at first i was planning on running it on raspberry pi 4b, but ive learned its possible to run on openwrt so id like to try it here first

So just to clarify, if i want to host my own recursive, caching DNS, i dont need Unbound, i can do it just with AGH?

you can but the way OpenWrt works is it has dnsmasq as its dns cache. All we do is bump it to be the internal dns cache for PTR records and then uses whatever upstream you set for your encrypted DNS upstream. If you have a big enough internal network or a complex setup you could replace dnsmasq with unbound its unnecessary for most home users. you can simplify it however if you enable AGH DHCP and it will be your cache and PTR store. At present unless you have a simple setup i dont recommend AGH's DHCP. Maybe after the refactoring in 108/109 versions. There are outstanding issues regarding ipv6 and dhcp as well as more complex network setups that OpenWrt handles far easier.

(also the reason we bump dnsmasq to be behind AGH is because it forks every request it gets causing additional load/memory.)

1 Like

Hi, can you please guide me on how i use Unbound as the only DNS Resolver(Upstream/BootstrapServer) so that every request will be handled by Unbound and the adblocking part will be taken care of by AGH. Is it possible ?
i dont want to use any other DNS Servers to query my requests. In this way pages load much faster and i have a better latency. What do you say ?

is this still up to date when using unbound or should i go for

im actually a little confused about which port I set dnsmasq to and which one to unbound.

it feels like the way to go would be adguard as main resolver and unbound to resolve reverse dns, as stated here:
how would i have to configure the ports to achieve that?

current situation is i followed:

and now dnsmasq is listening on 54, unbound at 5353 and the relevant firewall part looks like this:

#config rule
#       option dest 'wan'
#       option dest_port '53 853 5353'
#       option family 'any'
#       option name 'Block-Public-DNS'
#       option proto 'tcpudp'
#       option src 'lan'
#       option target 'REJECT'

#config rule
#       option dest 'wan'
#       option dest_port '53 853 5353'
#       option enabled '1'
#       option family 'any'
#       option name 'Block-Public-DNS-GLAN'
#       option proto 'tcpudp'
#       option src 'guest'
#       option target 'REJECT'

config redirect 'adguardhome_dns_53'
        option src 'lan'
        option proto 'tcp udp'
        option src_dport '53'
        option target 'DNAT'
        option name 'Adguard Home'
        option dest 'lan'
        option dest_port '53'

config redirect 'adguardhome_dns_53_guest'
        option src 'lan'
        option proto 'tcp udp'
        option src_dport '53'
        option target 'DNAT'
        option name 'Adguard Home GLAN'
        option dest 'guest'
        option dest_port '53'

in adguard upstream dns servers have:


and private reverse DNS servers are set to

is that eventually a correct setup? (it feels like i left out dnsmasq, that is now running on 54 without anyone using it?)

Is there any up to date means of getting Unbound working with AdGuardHome? I run into multiple issues when doing so, such as client devices being unable to reach my DNS resolver.

I get nothing but errors following these instructions. [1702399011] unbound[3873:0] error: can't bind socket: Address in use for port 8953

[1702399011] unbound[3873:0] error: cannot open control interface 8953

[1702399011] unbound[3873:0] fatal error: could not open ports

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