Just to try and tie various posts together in case anyone tries installing OpenWrt 18.06.2 on a GoFlex Home unit...
I wasn't talking about the actual firmware itself, but the procedure seemed simpler...
It can be changed/set by uEnv.txt and I would be able to read or change that if I managed to talk to the system with netcat.
I'm trying to follow a really useful guide for installing OpenWrt on a GoFlex Home unit here
Unfortunately two of the files which are required in the installation are only mentioned by name, as far as I can see, without any links. I've tried to find them in the OpenWrt repositories without success, and wondered if it's possible to contact the page maintainer to find out where these two files are to be found:-
The title of the thread makes it clear that my device is not working successfully. I did follow the wiki but the results were not as shown.
Contacting, what I was told may be the maintainer was someone who hasn't used OpenWrt on GoFlex Home for a few years.
I also followed further instructions in the same wiki
This time the section starting
Install u-boot and OpenWrt 18.06.1 into NAND via serial cable and tftp-server
It seems relatively straightfor…
@balanga ,
I really hope you're not making a new thread because you're unsure on how to count the flash space in Hex to fix your GoFlex Home.
I asked in that thread if you had flashed over the original bootloader. That's important information, and you haven't answered yet - but since you "zapped" the booatloader, it doesn't matter much now.
It would also help to know your original uBoot environment variables.
Do you have a backup of the bootloader and environment variables that you 'zapp…
@balanga , you have been a member of this forum for almost a year and it still amazes me that you seem to take on challenging tasks based on online receipes and how-to's and seemingly not trying very hard to understand what you are about to do before diving in. It is your way and it seems to work for you eventually. But please consider reading a good book about Linux or Unix.
The OpenWrt server should also allow http downloads, just change the https to http.
After installing, reboot and watch the console (don't press any keys) to see if it boots from flash.
In conclusion, it wasn't an easy task, but thanks to help from so many quarters, I have it working now, so if you read in some OpenWrt wiki that it isn't booting, then that's not correct.
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March 5, 2019, 6:53pm
It would be helpful if you could provide a summary of your findings, instead of sending the readers through 7 topics with 139 postings...
I hope to do that, I just wanted create a list of the stages I went through to get it working. The links are mainly for my benefit as a memory jogger.
You can also use the Bookmark function.