The title of the thread makes it clear that my device is not working successfully. I did follow the wiki but the results were not as shown.
Contacting, what I was told may be the maintainer was someone who hasn't used OpenWrt on GoFlex Home for a few years.
I also followed further instructions in the same wiki
This time the section starting
Install u-boot and OpenWrt 18.06.1 into NAND via serial cable and tftp-server
It seems relatively straightforward:-
download from tftp-server u-boot.kwb file to RAM start offset 0x6400000
tftp 0x6400000 u-boot.kwb
tftpboot 0x6400000 u-boot.kwb
Bytes transferred = 607044 (94344 hex) ← this number is needed for nand write
erase nand start from 0x0 size 0x100000
nand erase 0x0 0x100000
write nand from RAM start offset 0x6400000 to nand start 0x0 size 0x94344
nand write 0x6400000 0x0 0x94344
reboot device
now you are rebooting in the new u-boot
The problem was that I got:-
NAS>> nand write 0x640000 0x0 0x94344
NAND write: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x94344
nand_write_ecc: Attempt to write not page aligned data
0 bytes written: ERROR
Someone mentioned that
0x94344 is not an integer division of 1024 (1K). NAND block is 128K.
but have no idea what that means, and can't help wondering if the instructions actually worked for anyone...