Openvpn Server Generate DH Parameters on PC then import them to OpenWrt

Can I generate the DH key pair on my intel processor PC then import them to openwrt?
If yes can you please tell me how step by step?

I'm following this guide to create an openvpn server and this step always takes an hours at least:

Step: easyrsa gen-dh

You can use openssl to generate it on any machine

openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 2048

yes but then how do I import it back to openwrt? I'm not sure how to use the .pem back with openvpn server exactly. Sorry for noobie question

No problem

Copy the dh.pem file to /etc/easy-rsa/pki/ this should be where easy-rsa will create it too.


DH-file is just separate file (not signed as certificate), you can generate on any PC, and just copy to router file system.

P. S. You can configure modern EC-cryptography instead of outdated RSA, so you do not need DH-file in this case.

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how would you do that exactly in this case? can you please give me more details

Are you using openvpn to connect to your home network?

You should consider using wireguard. It's faster and simpler to setup. No need for pki and certificates.

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The common approach: you should download Easy-RSA package on your PC by the link

Download it, and unpack.

Copy vars.example to vars, and edit vars, as it is described above.

After that use EasyRSA-Start.bat to run EasyRSA-shell, and generate certificates.

I do NOT recommend to use WireGuard, it is shit IMHO.

When I have setup OpenVPN in the past, I did all of the key generation using EasyRSA on a full desktop computer and then copied the files to the router. This is much faster that attempting to generate them on the router itself.

However, I concur that Wireguard is much easier to configure and also significantly faster/higher performance. I would recommend it over OpenVPN for most use cases these days.

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yes this worked!

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