Onhub TP-LINK TGR1900 future support?

OK I managed to reflash mine successfully after being locked out and resetting a few times. What I ended up doing is as follows:

  • Factory reset using the google chrome created 'special' USB stick
  • Boot OpenWrt from a USB stick
  • SSH into OpenWrt and dd the whole /dev/mmcblock0 with zeros (this will take a while)
  • SCP the factory image to /tmp on the Onhub
  • write the factory image to /dev/mmcblock0 using blocksize of 1M (bs=1M)
  • reboot with the USB stick removed

Now my OnHub boots OK and gives me a connection on the lan port as expected. I'm not sure why I had issues before but I guess there could be some leftover data on emmc when we write the image. Hope this helps others who are locked out after messing up their config.

Thanks to the developers for all their effort. This is still a great piece of hardware and now even better with OpenWrt.