Newifi D2 Terrible WiFi Performance on OpenWrt

I also have a NeWiFi D2.
I confirm that my results are also better with EEPROM from minihere.

What WiFi settings and firmware version did you achieve the best stable results? @jaclyes89, @Eduardof187, @motocrossmann

So far, I've only tested the recommended settings listed here on the thread.

Here are my best results:
channel: 1; 40 mhz; country: FR; DTIM Interval: 1; tx-Power: 8 dBm

  • ↓: 40mbps
  • ↑: 30mbps (max from ISP)

channel: 36; 80mhz; country: FR; DTIM Interval: 1; tx-Power: 23 dBm(199 mW)

  • ↓: 240mbps
  • ↑: 30mbps (max from ISP)

ISP: ↓: 300mbps ↑:30mbps

Tested at a distance of about 1m.
I am using the OpenWrt 19.07.7 r11306-c4a6851c72 firmware.

PS: Stability has not been tested.