Any solution for this devices? Meraki MR 66 OR MR77, licence expired lists supported devices.
I know the list....its.not supported device yet.... something else?
If they're not
- in the table of hardware
- the object of a pull request or Patchwork submission
- the subject of a forum topic about porting OpenWrt to it
Then you can safely assume they are not supported.
MR66 is exactly the same hardware as MR16 which is supported, just in outdoor rugged casing. I think I have found some evidence that even PCB is the same. If you have one, you could try the MR16 flashing instructions.
Please post the results back.
Really? Perfect l'll try to test it.....have you some tutorial? It wants to open device for mainboard connection or only from Ethernet?
It would take less time to Google it than to ask here
TL;DR you need to open the device and have USB-to-serial converter. You need to understand what you are doing.
yes i google it and find a lot of things...i must bought ttl cable first and give a you flash this product?
little help there..anyone to guide me?
Did you check the serial instructions on the MR16 wiki page? They are clear (as are the installation instructions, from what I can see).
Ill check but note understand where ttl cable connects....
The instructions say clearly which end of JP1 is VCC, you can work your way down or up from that.
Ok connect ttl here and ill try to connect with putty..... sorry my friend for stupid newbie on this....if you have patience to quide me.
Honestly, if the above instructions are not clear to you, you should stop immediately as you will break something, short something or burn something...
We quite literally do not understand what is not clear to you.
If you not try you not learn...... all of us here have made mistakes and losses in order to learn.
what information are you missing, that isn't already in the wiki ?
Hey Chris,
As others have mentioned, the MR66 is an MR16 in a ruggedized case -- the other difference is the use of separated 2.4 and 5GHz wireless chains, so 4 antenna connectors rather than 2.
A good friend of mine, a >70-year-old woman with no prior experience with Linux or networking before 2018, now regularly flashes these devices with OpenWrt for her community wireless network. So not to worry :^)
Connect to the four pins you circled -- with a USB adapter like this, you should connect (starting from the white arrow):
And then use PuTTY to connect to COM0 (or whatever the USB cable comes up as) at 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit. When you plug the board into PoE, you will get some messages; see the OpenWrt Wiki, and if that's too complicated, this guide for more details.
Connect usb ,power on from Poe meraki and try to connect with putty....not connected.....maybe install drivers to recognize something?
WRONG WAY. You've connected the white arrow, which is +5V, to ground, which is 0V.
Connect to the four pins you circled -- with a USB adapter like this, you should connect (starting from the white arrow):