Meraki MR30H Install

Hi, could we get some more movement on Meraki MR30H OpenWrt Install - #5 by dnmly. It's running on a IPQ4019, Uses a QCA9889 and ? for WiFI.

Do you own one ?

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What does that have to do with my Question?

if you had one, you could've contributed ...

:roll_eyes: Guess It's dead than, since no one wants to work on it.

Nothing's stopping you from doing it...

I just received my MR30H from eBay. It is actually more similar to the Z3 than the MR33, since it has an integrated switch using PSGMII. This is why dnmly didn't have any working ethernet interfaces after booting the MR33 initramfs image.

The MR30H is on my list to support after I clean up the Z3/Z3C/GX20 code and submit a PR.

I won't give any timeline, it happens when it happens or someone else beats me to supporting it.

Indeed. If you aren't going to add support yourself, don't post threads like this. Find an OpenWrt developer and send them your hardware.

Currently I am spending my own money to buy this hardware and work on it while there are people here who get it for free, and then complaining no one is working on it. :roll_eyes: