Luci not showing additional LAN port

Hello Community,
I have been able to successfully deploy OpenWrt on an intel-based Mac mini (x86) with multiple LAN ports (thunderbolt gigabit dongles). Pretty much everything is now working as expected :crossed_fingers:t3:. Below is my POC network diagram ... my final deployment will be an expansion of this.

eth0 is connected to LAN (Main)
eth2 is connected to LAN2 (Dedicated for Guest and IoT devices)
eth1 is WAN

Luci only shows the status of eth0 and eth1.

Any way to get eth2 to show up on Luci status also?

Thanks for your help.

Check out this post

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I'd actually recommend simply using a single connection between the switch and the OpenWrt Mac Mini -- all VLANs can traverse the single connection between eth0 and port 1 of the switch. This will be preferable unless you have a very significant amount of inter-VLAN traffic (which would seem unlikely based on the VLAN functions you have in your diagram).

Is there a specific reason you wish to use eth2 instead of putting all VLANs on eth0?

I was going to default to the setup you mentioned as it will simplify things for sure.
Separate LAN (LAN2) was more for isolating external traffic (not part of home users).
But, I do agree that VLANs will pretty much do the same thing.

I thought /etc/board.json was automatically generated. Was looking into it but not too much in-depth. Thanks for the tip!

The VLANs themselves (and actually the firewall rules) will do the isolation, so the physical interface doesn't need to separate. Especially since you're plugging them into the same switch.

The switch will keep the vlans separate in terms of the switch fabric, and then the firewall does the job on the routing side (within OpenWrt).

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