Hi All,
I've found the themes page, but alas, no images. Is there any way of seeing what a theme might look like without actually installing it first?
Hi All,
I've found the themes page, but alas, no images. Is there any way of seeing what a theme might look like without actually installing it first?
Got some time atm, here you go.
OpenTomato custom (build from my fork)
Bootstrap Light
BootStrap Dark
Thanks, seems strange these aren't posted on OpenWrt's themes page.
Appreciate it!
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Can we post some images to the theme Wiki page?
Sure thing. I have to do some cleanup though.
I’ll build a standard stable default image so the wiki images render exactly as they show OOB to all users.
Give me a few days. I’m a little busy the next couple of days
Like these?
(they have there since 2022, but mostly show the non-default dashboard mod)
Yes. But not the full standard theme packages available in current builds.
Other than my hostname/build info, these render the same Status page each different theme produces OOB.
many users prefer:
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