Internet drops

Hi, community,

I'm experiencing a quick loss of the connection. Sometimes, my MS Teams call freezes, or a site does open, but then if I refresh the page or wait a few seconds, it's back online aging.

I have left a ping running to and from my PC, and sometimes I have the problem, and the ping is still working... I also track the WAN traffic in the OpenWrt, but I couldn't figure out anything from there.

Any tips on what to do next to identify and fix the problem?

I'm new here, so if you need information from my configuration, please share the command I need to run to get it.

Big picture:
Model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2
Architecture: ARMv8 Processor rev 3
Target Platform: bcm27xx/bcm2711
Firmware Version: OpenWrt 23.05.0-rc2 r23228-cd17d8df2a / LuCI openwrt-23.05 branch git-23.118.79121-6fb185f
Kernel-Version: 5.15.118

if pinging using IP works, does pining using a DNS name work during an outage ?

Good questions. No, it is not. I will do this test using a DNS name.

:thinking: but I think as soon the ping starts, the DNS is resolved.

Any idea how to keep sending the DNS request?

C:\Windows\System32>ping -t

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=108
Reply from bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=108

Correct, that why it said during outage, not pre outage ,)

or to be sure it's not a problem on the client (your windows pc) you could try:

Great idea! :star_struck:

I will run from the router and from the windows... let's see if I have the same results.

a general question:

what type of internet access do you have?

adsl / optical fiber / 4g / other

The internet is provided with optical fiber (GPON link).

so do you have a fiber optic / ethernet adapter provided by your carrier and after all the other devices?

Is the fiber optic adapter set to bridge-mode or is it nat on the connections?

which operator provides you with internet?

In the meantime, lucky you that you have a fiber optic connection.

have you read these documents?

So do you have a fiber optic/ethernet adapter provided by your carrier and after all the other devices?
Correct, the network provided las equipment in my network is a NTU (Network Termination Unit).

Is the fiber optic adapter set to bridge-mode or is it nat on the connections?
The NTU gives me a NAT IP. So, It's not in bridge mode.

which operator provides you with internet?
A small network provider from my city, which is a good thing. Because if I need something from them, I can quickly get it.

Those are two good ones. Thank you for bringing it up.

I'm using vlan setup at the moment. I followed the steps from How to build a Router with a Raspberry Pi and managed Switch VLANs with OpenWrt. This is a great video from OneMarcFitty.

Are you reading my mind? hehehe....

I have bought the adaptor Ethernet Gigabit Ue300 Usb 3.0 Tp-link, but it hasn't arrived yet.

So far, after installing the mtr in the OpenWrt and running it on two Windows machines on my network...The internet issue didn't happen so far...I will continue tracking here ...

try to control the CPU load:

opkg install htop
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I loved it! :heart_eyes:

It seems that the CPU is good... :smiley:

You should try to stress the connection, for example by launching more contemporary downloads and/or even more contemporary speed tests it could be that you can identify the anomaly in the presence of multiple outgoing connections.

o heating anomalies of the Rasberry CPU under stress ..

Have you also active any SQM?

Have you activated the Stoware/Hardware Flow Offloading?

I just did a stress bandwidth test using the "" During this test, the CPU 0 reached around 73% to 85% during download and 44% to 66% during upload. The other CPUs didn't change.

Have you also active any SQM?
:grimacing: Yes... To install and configure, I've followed the video OpenWRT - SQM QoS Setup on LuCI.

Have you activated the Stoware/Hardware Flow Offloading?
Not sure what do you mean.

Following this path of what I have installed... I also installed Wireguard, following some videos like... Wireguard OpenWRT Server

I think this is all I have done so far...

@ncompact, do you think it's not necessary to configure an SQM?
I have turned it off and rerun the download and upload test. It dropped the CPU usage a little to around 66% during the download and 55% during the update.

I don't think the SQM CPU usage is a problem for now...

since you have non-persistent connectivity problems I'm evaluating multiple variables.

I would definitely wait for someone more competent than me to solve your problem

Stoware/Hardware Flow Offloading?

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