Installing unbound stops DNS

I finally got it to open port 80 by messing with the reset method so now need a factory build so that I can remover this. That or use my own build again.

Ever since 18.06 there hasn't been a single build that comes with port 23 enabled. Telnet has been disabled for a while.


Thank you. I was not aware of that. I looked around but was not able to find the default login other than the old telnet which was root, no password. Do you know what the default is now since ssh is the only login enabled?

Yes, I do. It’s on the wiki in the getting started section.

:man: :fish: || :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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I looked in the wiki and don't find any default password for the new ssh method.
How hard could it have been to just share it? It's not like I'm not trying here.

SSH usually requires a password. The docs say don't enter one but that isn't working as I've shared a number of messages back.

The first time you ssh into your router, you will probably see a warning about the RSA key fingerprint . If you are certain this is the address of your OpenWrt device, simply type yes and press Return. Then enter the password you have given to your router, or press Return if this is the initial setup.

No such warning after writing the sysupgrade earlier which is an interesting point then. It should have prompted for a new RSA key. I'll just do it over again to be sure. This time I'll use my own build based on this mornings download so I know the pass and everything and go from there.

Searching about the password problem leads to an awful lot of others having similar problems lately too.

Ok, it's back to my build but based on todays snapshot. I'll try installing unbound and see what happens.
What I mean by my build is, my pre-set password and network set to DHCP using a custom files/config/network file.

Too weird.
I logged into the router and found that now they removed the package called unbound-daemon and it's now unbound again. After installing, this time it worked as it used to.

So, all of this thread is nothing to do with anything weird that I was doing but there is something going on with the people that are maintaining the packages.

As I said before, I was not doing anything unusual and did it again this time and now everything works.

I don't see anything new on the unbound front since the push that added unbound-daemon or unbound-heavy. Maybe you have gone back to a tagged version.

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I don't know.
All I know is I downloaded the latest snapshot, built again without unbound.
Then, I updated my packages using opkg update then tried to install unbound-daemon which no longer exists. I then changed that to unbound and not only did it install but it runs as it always did before this thread was posted.

No changes what so ever to anything, it simply worked as it always has since the repo started working again earlier today.

I would hazard a guess to say, it never did (edit: as of the time of your building/posting):

I don't think the developers are hiding the package from you.

I'm sure you already know this; but you have to build your own firmware to have unbound included.

Incorrect, no such prompting occurs. The key is created in the background - during a "reset to defaults" reboot. Trying to connect should have presented to you a changed key warning at the client terminal used (unless you somehow kept that config).

  • Can you provide those search results?
  • Do you think the Wiki is insufficient, given you missed it - should it be updated?


Glad it's working!

We've definitely eliminated unbound's crash looping being due to OpenWrt - you must work on your building.

unbound was split by commit e6812324c6, on May 28, 2019 to master. That commit may not be present on the feeds associated with the "release" branches at this time.

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It's not in 18.06 but it's present in the 19.07 branch.

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I don't want to quote your entire reply lleachii but to clarify some things.

I'm not sure what you mean by no one is hiding packages from me. Yes, unbound-daemon did install but it would not start and I showed the error. That is specifically why I started the thread since once installed,not even started, it stopped local DNS resolves by changing the /etc/resolv.conf.

I explained things as I was doing them so yes, there was a problem with the repo and packages and initially unbound was no longer there, I was told to use unbound-daemon then unbound re-appeared again yesterday. It was not in the repo when I looked for it.

First posted here; Where did unbound go?

No, I did not know you had to build your own to get unbound but it's why I found out there was a problem since my new build using the newer snapshot suddenly stopped working.

It does prompt with a changed RSA key every time I write a new sysupgrade file so wrong word used. Not sure why you focused on that but yes, changed key.

Wrong password, just Google 'openwrt ssh password' and look for new builds and you'll find plenty of folks asking how to log in.

I don't see how we've eliminated anything really. I changed nothing what so ever and two days ago builds would not build, specifically, ramips-mt76x8. I tried an ar71xx build and that worked. I think I posted that.
When I used an older build without unbound, I was told to use unbound-daemon which was broken somehow because of the repo. Two days later, it simply started working again when I downloaded that days image builder and tried again.

Definitely something was broken with either unbound-daemon or the repo perhaps causing a dependent package to not be included or something. I don't know but I posted every single detail as I found them.

When my builds started working again, I had changed nothing what so ever so there was nothing wrong at my end through all of this. I want this to be clear because while I was told I don't know what I'm doing I changed nothing and everything is working again. This is important and should be to elders around here because something happened and you should all care I would think.

OK, far enough. That's why I'm assisting. You noted/revealed a few things that are most helpful:

  • You were unaware you had to build a firmware to have unbound included
  • I was searching the thread and Wiki, thanks for clarifying you used Google
  • I also noted I'm getting crashing like this with snmpd occasionally - in fact I identified LuCI web GUI today (could be different issue though) so yes, I'm definitely concerned

Nontheless, if you are you able to install and use snapshot properly today, unbound itself cannot be the sole issue. That has been eliminated.

In fact, unbound was not the sole issue because once I found the problem, I started trying to build a base after it was suggested here. That base was simply 'make install' without specific packages and that is when I confirmed it was not anything I was doing.
I do not install any web or wifi services when I build, I just don't need those so my problem was not related to those packages if this helps at all.

Oh, and I think it is important that I pointed out this was specific(at least seemed to be based on my test) to the ramips version since the other that I tried did work.

It's happening again today. I've built this several times since we finalized this thread but now it's doing the same again. I've changed nothing on my end.

Installing netcat (0.7.1-1) to root...
Unknown package 'openvpn-openssl'.
Unknown package 'unbound'.
Unknown package 'usbreset'.
Unknown package 'usbutils'.
Unknown package 'wget'.
Installing base-files (194.2-r7676-cddd7b4c77) to root...
Unknown package 'busybox'.
Unknown package 'dropbear'.
Installing fstools (2018-12-28-af93f4b8-3) to root...
Installing ip6tables (1.6.2-1) to root...


As announced, 18.06.3 is being built today. With so much to build, the repos will not be complete for some time yet.

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I was just about to ask, should I download the new snapshot? Also, where is this annouced? There are so many things to try and keep track of.

A better question is,

Is there a way to have the packages downloaded once so that they don't have to be downloaded each time? My requirements are fairly static and would prefer not using up the repo bandwidth if I don't need to.