Im trying to install OpenWRT in a X86 device it is the ACEMAGICIAN T8 PLUS 8GB 256GB
What I'm trying to do is make a 256gb (of 20GB approx) partition on the drive, having OpenWRT and Windows 11 on the same device, later choosing which one I want to boot, using GRUB (Open WRT by default).
The problem I'm encountering is that the Etcher and Rufus programs don't recognize the 20GB partition I've made on the SSD (they only detect USBs) therefore, and at the moment, I'm not able to do what I want.
All this, I want to do so as not to waste a disk that has 256GB of space when with 20GB, OpenWRT should work MORE than correctly.
I get wanting to dual-boot (I have a couple of machines which dual-boot between Windows and LInux Mint and Ubuntu), but I'm struggling to see a use-case for dual-booting between Windows and OpenWRT.
What is your requirement for being able to do so, and might there be an alternative way to achieve your goal?
I guess install ubuntu, then windows, install grub automatically (when ubuntu) and then install OpenWRT on the ubuntu partition, so I would have grub and windows 11 at the same time. But i dont know if this is viable.
Thats not a problem, I can keep the disk without any operating system and then do what I have to do to have the Duak Boot. doing it the way I commented above
With a lot of manual work, it' possible. You'll have to change the entries for grub by hand and do other modifications.
But i don't see the gain of this. This system should become your powerful router, yes?
When you reboot into another OS, your internet connection is gone.
yup, but, i can use the rest of the disk space for a "Mini NAS" for example or another thing. the main question of the thread was so that I wouldn't have 230Gb left unused for anything, it's an incredible waste of space in the disk.
For this, you don't need either Ubuntu nor Windows.
If you search the forum, there're solutions to use the free disk space for NAS or just additional storage under OpenWrt.
I am surprised that it is able to use 250gb of space...
the question is, how to install OpenWRT on the entire disk, I have seen that OpenWRT partitions can be expanded, but are there packages that allow you to create a NAS in OpenWRT?
Not OpenWrt itself. Because it doesn't need that much space.
But if you set up one or several additional partitions, you could later just mount them.
There're some topics about this on this forum.
Please use the search function.
My X86 device has a 256 SSD or M.2 (dont remember exactly)
Is there an .IPK that allows you to do NAS function?
That brings me to another question, how do I install a package when the x86 device has no internet? The image I downloaded to install OpenWRT on X86 was
but I don't know if it's really the correct one, when i booted it, it doesnt have the wireless menu option. As for the installation... it's explained in the forum but I don't understand it too well , this was the one that said it was to be installed on SSDs, NVME, etc, that's why I chose it. But if you think there is a better one, I am in time to download and install it
Dont understand this... i had checked all the options about the ethernet and wifi drivers in device manager and i dont see anything like VID and PID. Where do i can found it?