Installing OpenWRT EAP225 ourdoor V1.8 - 5.1.1 Build 20230921 Rel. 63318(5553)


I have this error when try to install de OS:

I have seen that they change some bytes in the .bin file to be able to install it but I could not find them.


I going to update is the outdoor version.

You didn't even check the link, did you ?

The thing is that this link is the guide that I had used to install, exactly this part:

Then you need to clarify what part of the installation instruction fails....

"It doesn't work" won't get you far here.

The part that fails me is the following:

"upload the factory image via the web interface".

I did the previous execution of ssh, the error it shows me is the following:

Note: I renamed the file to factory because the original name was too long.

And your original TP-Link fw is on the recommended level ?

I don't know if you need more information? The exact version of the device is EAP225-Outdoor Version: 1.8

That's the hw version, not the sw version.

The recommended level is v5.0.3. I currently have v5.1.1 but I could not locate the v5.0.3 version to download the version prior to installation.

Possible versions in web page:

Do you know if I can change the version of the .bin so that it supports it?

if you rebooted the EAP, did you stop the cliclientd process again, before reattempting the flash ?

you can try an older release of openwrt 1st, then upgrade to the most recent

Most likely this is due to the firmware compatibility level being raised to 2 since v5.1.0. OpenWrt still has level 1, so that's at least one reason the factory image is being refused.

Here is a patched factory image of OpenWrt 23.05.2:

Please let us know if this solves the issue.


Wouldn't downgrading stock to 5.0.8 be an option?

v5.0.9 (and below) have compatibility level 1, so those will also be refused by the FW upgrade page.

The error was solved, I have a v3 device that gives me the same error. Do you know how I can solve it? I tried with the same version of realease (23.05.2) but in that case the problem continues to appear.

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With the v3 model, I try with these versions:


And get this result all the time: